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Aug 26, 2006
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Ok, i wanted to breed a bunch of dwarf seahorses in a 50 gal. i figured alot of them in there wouldn't be aproblem. but i just heard that those little guys in a 50gal aren't a good idea. if i put alot, like a big 'school' (i know they don't really school much) would that be ok? or should i just save up even more adn eventually buy normal sized horses? thanks!
Please, dont try dwarves in a 50 gallon!

Save up for larger seahorses like erectus. If you want to breed them erectus are the easiest but are still hard to raise. Unlike dwarf seahorses, they have 1-400 babies rather than the 1-20 that dwarves have. They also need to be seperated and fed BBS and cyclopeeze etc. Not the best thing for a beginner to them...
i see now, as of everyones reactions, i am going to haev to spend about $150 just one a pair of starters.

please please tell me they can be inbreed? i've not really seen anything online about inbreeding with them.

a small horseshoe crab won't bother them will he/her?
The fry can breed with eachother when sexually mature. Although it's a worry with some animals, most seahorses aren't really effected by it..

Leave the horseshoe crab out...

And yes...they are expensive.
will the horseshoe crab really do anything?

i've never read ANYWHERE or heard anywhere that they were aggressive towards anything. everywhere says they are very calm and safe and unaggressive.

and i think after a couple generations of breeding if i see anything wrong with any of the babies i will add a new line of genes in.
They wont hurt anything but they will outgrow the tank FAST. Remember, horseshoe crabs get over 1' in diameter ;)
i know, but i will be ready for him when he gets bigger. once full grown, what do you think the tank size should be? or should i like get a big container for him instead of paying hundreds on a glass tank?

just wondering.

also, if anyone here happens to have some black seahorses (preferably black, but can be other colors) they would want to sell/trade?
Please, please, please, please, do extensive research on seahorses. There are several different species available, which have different requirements. Seahorses have some very special needs, very different than other marine fish. I also advise against getting them ONLY to breed them. Even with erectus, which are considered to be the easiest seahorse young to raise, it is not easy to raise the young (it's not like raising livebearers). Please find out about things like vibro, GBD, suitable tankmates, snout rot, feeding, temperature and current requirements. Seahorses are wonderful to have, but to do it properly, you need to gorge yourself on information. Honestly, research these guys for a good four to six months, and then see if they are something you are still interested in.
wow, guys, i asked for help, not for you guys to attack me.

i'm getting a horseshoe crab. i don't mind if i have to buy something else for the seahorses. But i've read alot, and from what i've heard they can live fine with the seahorses in the same conditions. i will have a place for the horseshoe crab even if it gets bigger then usual, i will get him a bigger tank.

i'll check out those sites. btw, anyone got some copepods they would like to sell? :good:
I'm sorry if we sound like we are attacking you. We really are not. We are just giving you advice that you asked for. We are trying to prevent you from future headaches. So many fish and inverts are killed by lack of info, or stubborness - we are just trying to help.

Why not wait until you have the proper size tank for the horseshoe?

Please do more research on the horseshoe crab and seahorses. It's better for you and the critters.
i've been doing so much research lately i'm giving myself present headaches, hehe.

i will keep doing research even after i have them, as i do with all my animals. (except guppies, did too much of that research and it's all the same stuff)

the guy is 1-2 inches in size. he will be in a 50 gallon. that will be enough for him. as soon as i think he is too big for it i will upgrade. we may be moving within the next year or two. maby sometime her can live in a big big container, even bigger then what teh other guy said ^_^

anyway, i'll keep doing research and stuff. but could someone correct me if i'm wrong about the temperature differences? if i keep it tropical like but not too cold for the seahorses or too warm for the horseshoe crab they should be fine shouldn't they? i will also have more tanks for the young seahorses and fry.

everywhere i've seen so far says horseshow crabs do good in around 70 or so degrees farenhite. the seahorses, in a tropical aquarium says it should be about 74 - 78 degrees. so if i kept it at around 74 or maby a bit higher, the crab shouldn't be bothered by it would he? i wouldn't think the crab would be affected by slightly warmer waters. because sometimes in there natural habitats it gets warm.

anyway, i'm rambbling again. please correct me if i'm wrong about the above.

btw, anyone else evr read saltwater aquariums for dummies?
I'm obsessed with too :crazy:
I believe kellog are the same as abdominalis, which need atleast a 60 gallon tank. They require a chiller, since they are comfortable around 66-72 F. From what I read, these horses eat lots of food, and their fry require lots of food and grow fairly quickly, atleast in the beginning.

Sounds like you need to read more from

Since you sound determined to do this no matter what, please get all the recommended meds before hand, and memorise how to do a pouch evac, and what to do about GBD before you purchase the seahorses.

Personally, I think erectus would be better. But that's just my 2 cents

Also lists horseshow crabs as 3's, which means they are a bit of a gamble to house with seahorses.
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