Sad day


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
Some of you may have read my post in Emergencies that I woke up to six dead fish...well it didn't end there.
Our birds and bunny live in a room that was built onto the house that is heated by a seperate system then the main house. The room is accessible only through the backyard, so I go out in the morning and at night to do lights and then for some playtime in the afternoon. Anyway, sometime during the night, the heater quit on me and I found today that my doves had died. (You can see I'm in Wyoming, so it's like 10-15degreesF at night still) I'm so upset! Since my fish died this morning I've been trying to "fix" that tank and I didn't make it out to my bird room untill this afternoon. I'm thankful (and amazed) that my parakeets are fine, but I can't help but wonder if I had gone out first thing like usual, if they could have been saved. :-( :-( :-(
You're having a rough time of it at the mo.... - sorry about the doves :(

m8 don't dwell on 'ifs' - it wont help - we all would do things differently with the benifit of hindsight -_-

www :)

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