Root Tablets - Hazy Water?


Enthusiastic "Re-Beginner"
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Chapel Hill, NC, USA
OK friends, since at the moment its still my judgement that the wife would throw me out of the house if I came home with a pressurized system, I'm stuck with playing around with things that I'm sure most of you will consider insignificant, sigh, but since I'm still puttering around I've got a question.

Early on in my TFF reading I encountered the idea that swords might take well to tablets of fertilizer stuffed down under their roots in the substrate. [I've since read that this, like everything else it seems, is subject to controversy and some feel "root feeding" is a waste of time as water column dosing will still take care of these plants just as well.]

Well, setting aside the controversy aside for the moment, I have tried out some of these "root tabs" for myself on my very one and only amazon sword plant (which exact plant I have no idea other than its obviously a sword and has huge oval leaves, filling up my 17" of height on the left side of my tank.) First I tried some API plant tabs and now I've tried some Seachem Flourish tabs. As far as I can tell, these have certainly not hurt anything as my sword is happy and healthy and regularly sends up new shoots, so on a fundamental level I'm happy too!

What I've observed though is that I think these root tablets seem to let off some sort of "haze" in the water the first week or so after they've been inserted under the plant. I can't quite describe the haze, just that's its there. Has anybody else ever noticed this? I was just wondering if this was one of those "known" things that planted folks would recognize as something that one of the root tab ingredients just does...

Your humble plant student, ~~waterdrop~~ :)
never noticed it before, i used API years back, but then i just saved some money and raised the dose in the water column :p
:lol: you guys are worthless :p in the land of tropica paradise (it'll eventually become a running joke trying to tempt waterdrop to move to the UK!)

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