Restocking Advice Please


May 16, 2012
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Hello all!

So I've recently restocked my 120l aquarium. It now contains a bristle-nose plec, 1 Yamato shrimp and 5 black phantom tetras.

I was looking at Apistogramma Agassizi Reds and was wondering if they are good community fish? and if so, what other fish are good to go with them?
And are Siamese fighters compatible with them? (I already doubt they are) And guppies at that too?

I have 3 rocks, 2 amazon swords, 3 vallis and a cabomba or whatever it's called in my tank. Sand substrate.

I quite like the look of sunset platies and coral blue platies. More shrimp too. Probably would add a small school of some sort of tetras or danios depending on the stocking.

Anyway, if Apistogramma Agassizi Red are no good, I'll probably get a siamese fighter. Anyway what else would you guys recommend I put in with a siamese fighter?
(Asking because i've had a lot of bad happenings in my tank so I'd rather avoid that by asking here)

And one last thing, has anyone any experience with bumblebee gobies? They look quite interesting.

Thanks! :)
Apistogramma Agassizi are decent community fish, but I could see a male Betta mistaking a colored up male Apisto for another male betta, and attacking it. Many types of Tetras would be fine with your Apistos, but I would avoid danios. Danios prefer cooler water and are hyperactive and could get a little nippy on slower moving fish. Tetras prefer the same type of soft acidic water and higher temperature that the Apistos do. I would look at Cardinal Tetras and Rummynose myself. Bumblebee gobies are a pain. There are two types, one that lives in brackish and one that lives in fresh. The one we usually see here is the brackish one. It is a pain to feed as it prefers live food and is slow to get to it. The other fish usually beat them to it. Bumblebees can also be a bit fin nippy. I once saw them listed on a top five fish to avoid at all costs list.
Apistogramma Agassizi are decent community fish, but I could see a male Betta mistaking a colored up male Apisto for another male betta, and attacking it. Many types of Tetras would be fine with your Apistos, but I would avoid danios. Danios prefer cooler water and are hyperactive and could get a little nippy on slower moving fish. Tetras prefer the same type of soft acidic water and higher temperature that the Apistos do. I would look at Cardinal Tetras and Rummynose myself. Bumblebee gobies are a pain. There are two types, one that lives in brackish and one that lives in fresh. The one we usually see here is the brackish one. It is a pain to feed as it prefers live food and is slow to get to it. The other fish usually beat them to it. Bumblebees can also be a bit fin nippy. I once saw them listed on a top five fish to avoid at all costs list.

Great advice!!
I will just add that your shrimp would love some company - they live in huge colonies in the wild, get a handful more.
Thank you very much for the great advice! And yes, I only bought one shrimp because it was over priced. I am buying more this weekend. :)

Thanks again everyone!

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