Removing Overflow Compartment


Resurrecting the Passion of Fishkeeping
Nov 12, 2009
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Ok you DIY-ers and other people competent with sharp objects.

My 72 gallon bow has a predrilled over flow compartment. I hate it. Always have. It gets in the way of decorating and limits me to very dark back grounds.

I have been wanting to switch to pale sand with a blue background to bring out the colors in my new discus. The color clash with the overflow is a problem for me.

While doing the substrate change from black sand to white sand, I was hoping to remove the overflow box in the process.

I already have sealed off my tank with pvc fittings, and these I can hid in sand/rock/driftwood formations.

Any recommendations as to removing the overflow with minimal to no scratching? Tank is a glass Aqueon 72 gallon bow. The overflow compartment does not touch any side seams, just the bottom.

Also, I am a lady with minimal power tools. We are talking razer scraping here. Any methods for speeding up the process to reduce time fish have to vacation in a storage container would be greatly appreciated.
Eh ok I called Aqueon directly to ask how to remove it and pretty much risk the whole structure of the tank if I try and remove it myself due the process in which it is siliconed in.

darnit. Guess I will have to learn to love it

Is it this one?

If so, this should be easy to remove. This will have been added after the tank had been built.
You will probably find that it is fixed in with blobs of silicone sealant.

Some Juwel tanks have an equally horrible built in filter similar to yours. I used a palette knife to remove it in one of my tanks ("saw" through the silicone).


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