Okay so today after discovering from a few people high phosphates has nothing to do with Algae, i thought i shall be running a few tests on my tank to prove this point, i have discovered today that my tank was running high phosphate beyond the scale of the JBL PO4 test kit, and have bought some phosphate remover for the filter, this also is combined with a nitrate remover to so i shall also see how this pans out with my plants.
I shall be doing some tests with the water to see if phosphates drop, along with my nitrates as well, how my algae grows or stops? and also see how my plants react? will they show deficiency's or die off completely.
I dont think there is much information on the internet about this as when i google the relation between phosphates plants and algae, i just get phosphates need to be low, and in the region of 0.02ppm to 0.05ppm this is also backed up by the JBL PO4 test kit yet people keep telling me phosphates is needed for plant growth which is true.
Now for those who know fertilisers and the EI method, you add nitrate and phosphate in the forms of
Now most of my research other than being random googling has come from these two websites
On the second website it demonstrates that light will only go to a certain point in order to promote faster growth, beyond that light no mater what you do growth will not increase from what it already is, from that they discovered the optimal ferts to put in. Now this is based weekly so they state 3ppm of phosphate per week, divide that by 7, thats 0.43ppm per day of phosphate so in theory please correct me if i am wrong, if i have 3ppm of phosphate in my tank and keep adding 3ppm every day that extra phosphate is;
I have added the product to take out the NO3 and PO4 but should not take out the KNO3 and KH2PO4 which the plants will still use? am i right or wrong again please someone confirm this for me, Algae should reduce and plants continue to grow this is me proving this theory wrong or right
either way i have no idea just a theory.
I will post pictures and stats as and when i see things nothing else in the tank is changing i shall continue to dose my ferts daily, but the tests i will cary out are
I am not concentrating on the old algae growth but new algae growth on clean items of the tank (Plant's, Rock's and Wood)
please anyone with a view bad or good please comment again this is for everyone including me to understand this better i consider my self a (noob) when it comes to the relationship of plants ferts and algae
I shall be doing some tests with the water to see if phosphates drop, along with my nitrates as well, how my algae grows or stops? and also see how my plants react? will they show deficiency's or die off completely.
I dont think there is much information on the internet about this as when i google the relation between phosphates plants and algae, i just get phosphates need to be low, and in the region of 0.02ppm to 0.05ppm this is also backed up by the JBL PO4 test kit yet people keep telling me phosphates is needed for plant growth which is true.
Now for those who know fertilisers and the EI method, you add nitrate and phosphate in the forms of
- Nitrate (KNO3)
- Monopotassium Phosphate (KH2PO4)
Now most of my research other than being random googling has come from these two websites


On the second website it demonstrates that light will only go to a certain point in order to promote faster growth, beyond that light no mater what you do growth will not increase from what it already is, from that they discovered the optimal ferts to put in. Now this is based weekly so they state 3ppm of phosphate per week, divide that by 7, thats 0.43ppm per day of phosphate so in theory please correct me if i am wrong, if i have 3ppm of phosphate in my tank and keep adding 3ppm every day that extra phosphate is;
- waste of phosphate
- contribute to algae
I have added the product to take out the NO3 and PO4 but should not take out the KNO3 and KH2PO4 which the plants will still use? am i right or wrong again please someone confirm this for me, Algae should reduce and plants continue to grow this is me proving this theory wrong or right
I will post pictures and stats as and when i see things nothing else in the tank is changing i shall continue to dose my ferts daily, but the tests i will cary out are
- Nitrates + Phosphates before adding the fertiliser
- Nitrates + Phosphates 1 hour after adding the fertiliser
- Nitrates + Phosphates 3 Hours into my light cycle of 6 Hours
- Nitrates + Phosphates at the end of the 6 Hour light cycle
I am not concentrating on the old algae growth but new algae growth on clean items of the tank (Plant's, Rock's and Wood)
please anyone with a view bad or good please comment again this is for everyone including me to understand this better i consider my self a (noob) when it comes to the relationship of plants ferts and algae