
  1. MaloK

    Tetra NitrateMinus.

    I didn't find any place where I would logically could think a review for an additive be posted. Long story short... My shrimp tank got smashed and I was forced to crash setup another tank and plop everything I could save in a new one... This tank was running for months without any sign of...
  2. sn0wlvlan

    Help! New Walstad, High Ammonia & Nitrates!

    I've recently setup a new 24gallon Walstad tank. Day 3 and 4 in, I'm seeing high ammonia and nitrate values. Daily water changes, but still high. Your valuable opinions are appreciated! Details below: DIRT: 0.5 - 1 inch (normal garden soil with no fertilizer and removed organic matters, mixed...
  3. S

    High nitrates, but water changes don't help. Any ideas?

    I have a 55G tank with plants and a bunch of shrimp and fish. All my water values were always stable, but I had to put in some Nitrofurazone and API Pimafix (separately, about a week apart) to try to fix some cotton mouth on a few of my neon tetras. Now I constantly have high nitrate values...
  4. R

    Fish curled up in tank, other tank mates dead, need help

    Hi, I have a small comet goldfish and two rosy red minnows living in a 10 gal tank. I’ve had the goldfish for over a year and the minnows for about 5 months. Yesterday I noticed the goldfish swimming erratically and unable to balance. I assumed it was swim bladder disease as the other two fish...
  5. Oblio

    Algae and Nitrates

    I've had several small Pothos to help hold my nitrates down but have moved them to some external vases to dose them with fertilizer to establish the roots after removing them from pots. I noticed that even after a week my nitrates only increased 1 or 2 ppm to about 4 ppm. I have also picked up...
  6. S

    Newbie(ish) New Freshwater Aquarium Water Parameters Help Needed!

    Hi all, I've just started keeping fresh water tropicals after a 20 year break and I am concerned about some of the test readings I am getting. In particular I am confused about how dangerous nitrate is for fish. My readings are Ammonia 0 mg/L(ppm) - OK Nitrite 0.25 mg/L(ppm) - I think is OK...
  7. Linkandnavi

    API Aqua Essential and Nitrate Reduction

    Does anyone have any experience of the relatively new API Aqua Essential, in particular its claims of reducing nitrate? It seems to be their answer to Seachem Prime, as an all in one dechlorinator and ammonia/nitrite "detoxifier" but with the added claim of actually "removing" nitrates. My tap...
  8. gabrielgalhano

    High ammonia - what else to do?

    Hi everyone! After all the trouble I've been trough with my tank, when I finally thought it was all going to be okay for a while, this happened in my 120L tank and I've run out of ideas of what I can do to solve it. I had a read of 5 ppm (probably more) of ammonia so I instantly searched in the...
  9. Kaystojj


    Hey everyone! I hope you’re well :) this is my first post so please be kind! I’ve been reading so much conflicting info about high nitrites and I’m super confused. Im extremely new to keeping fish and I want to get it right! I was told by my local fish shop to cycle my fish tank for 24 hours...
  10. crupp29

    Unusual Testing Results

    I have a planted 10 gallon tank that I have been trying to cycle for over a week now. At first I was adding beneficial bacteria to the tank, but then I got a hold of filter media from an established tank. Before I put the media in the filter, my ammonia was at about 2ppm from dosing a small...
  11. Uberhoust

    Thoughts on Nitrate Levels and Water Changes

    Just some thoughts: If you have a limited amount of water you can use for water changes less frequent larger changes remove more contaminants than smaller more frequent changes of the same resulting amount. Why? Primarily you are removing more water at a high concentration and replacing it...
  12. M

    Question about AMMONIA, NITRITE, NITRATE

    Hey guys this is my second post and since I received so much help regarding my questions on my first post I want to, once again, come here and ask a question. So I have had my tank for over 3 weeks now with fish in it (was established prior to putting fish in through a fishless cycle with Fritz...
  13. Mizz_MayDK

    Monitoring system recommendations

    I'm looking for some kind of monitoring system that will meassure eg. pH, nitrate, nitrite, temperature, tds etc. I have a TDS meter, digital thermometers in each tank and different chemical test sets to test for nitrate, nitrite and pH. I'd really like some kind of monitor or electronic tester...
  14. S

    Nitrates in tap water - tropical tank

    Hello all I've kept tropical fish for a few years now, and it has been a fairly casual hobby but recently I've decided that it was high time I learnt more about it and so I will be the first to admit I don't know as much as I should. Please be gentle... I have a Fluval 180l tank which came...
  15. MrSix18

    10 years into the hobby, and i’m LOST!!

    hey guys! new to the forum as i’ve completed gave up trying to figure out the issue myself, and my LFS is absolutely zero help. currently have over 600 gallons of tanks ranging from 3 125 gallon tanks, 2 75’s, 2 29 gallon, and a 40 breeder hospital tank all in my detached garage/fish room.. i...
  16. N

    High Ammonia levels

    Update 12/14: second water change completed today of about 60-70% of water. Total Ammonia - 0.5ppm, NH3 - 0.1ppm, NO2 - .25ppm, NO3 - 5ppm, and pH 7.6. I have a 20gal freshwater tank and no matter what I do I cannot get my ammonia levels down. I’ve had the aquarium for 6 months and I’m pretty...
  17. S

    My Water Source Parameters

    Hi Everyone I'm looking to build my empty nano (21 litre/5 gallon) into a potential shrimp tank. I'm looking to set up something simple so I can work on some core skills in the fish keeping world. I took a look at my local water provider and the stats they have on the water in my area. The...
  18. P

    Acceptable Nitrate Levels.

    So I have seen the general advice here to always be 'keep nitrates under 20ppm'. Why? What is this number based on? Out test kits show nitrates as just NO3- ions, the studies below use nitrate nitrogen, to convert their numbers to ours multiply by 4.43...
  19. Tttay89

    Which of these 2 test kits to trust?

    Since the start of fish keeping I have always used API test kit and ALWAYS had a very high Nitrate reading at around 40 which has always annoyed me and never been able to get it to budge with taking measures. even my tap water reading is around 25ppm I thought I'd get another Nitrate test kit to...
  20. AilyNC

    Few fish in Cycle questions

    I find it tricky to read the API Master Kit but is it ok that my nitrates are so high but nitrite & Ammonia low? Is that normal for the fish in Cycle? Why is my CO2 zero with plants? Why is my fresh tap water showing lower PH than tank water? I'm doing daily 75% water changes and have Anubis...
  21. X

    Cycling my fish tank with fish in them and need help (stuck on nitrite stage)

    So I'm trying to cycle my 29 gallons with fish in them, I bought pretty hardy fish but think I got too many in there for it to cycle well. I currently have 5 guppies, 1 platy, and a spotted catfish. I recently moved them from my ten-gallon tank so it has some of the substrate from it (that...
  22. tonitetra

    Nitrate Level Spike

    Hey? Hi? wassup? I don’t really know how to start a thread, this is my first one. Anyway, I have a 45 gal planted tank with discus, angel fish, and some guppies. I guess you can call it a nano-tank, but I am offended. Soo it’s about 6 months old. The levels are 0 nitrite, 7.0 ph, and the...
  23. F

    Water changes when plants reduce nitrate?

    Hi, I’ve had my tank for a month now and I have 8 shrimp and 2 Otocinclus catfish. My nitrates in my tap water are around 30 ppm but I have noticed that the longer I leave my water the lower my nitrates go as the plants are sucking it up. If I leave my water for 1 week the nitrates go down 10...
  24. E

    Molly not quite right...?

    Hi all, I could do with some help with one of my platinum lyre tail mollies. We noticed today that he is sort of floating on the surface. I say sort of because he does swim around, albeit slowly. He has his mouth partially open, but doesn't open and close it. He also isn't eating. It almost...
  25. T

    Nitrite and nitrate spike

    Hi guys, I need help. So I have a 20 gallon heavily planted tank that’s been running for about 6 months. Until now everything was perfectly fine, nitrite 0, nitrates between 10-25. I can't test for ammonia because none of the pet stores around here have any kind of ammonia tests for some reason...
  26. Bettapuppy

    Nitrate question

    Hi everybody, I have a 6.7 U.S. gallon tank with one half moon betta in it. I've had the tank for a little over two weeks and I added Concentrated Aquarium Bacteria before I added my fish (Tetra SafeStart Plus). I've tested my water peramiters twice and both times the ammonia, nitrite, and...
  27. G

    Nitrates not building?

    I did a nitrate test 2 weeks ago in my heavily planted dirted tank and got around 0-5ml/l. I tested again today without doing any wcs inbetween, and I still got the same result. I'm assuming my plants are eating all the nitrates before they can build up. Does this mean that water changes are...
  28. S

    Happy Tank Happy Wife-HELP PLEASE!

    Hi I have had a little fish tank up and running for about 8 months now-so am not a complete newbie...all is happy and Well all fish alive still-(I have read a lot of articles on here in that time) however my issue lies with my 180L tank. I bought this baby second hand and it’s had a few...
  29. B

    Where's all the nitrates?

    Hi, I've been taking care of a betta in a 6.8 gallon tank for a few months now. The tank and water are well cycled - I use an API freshwater master test kit, and never get ammonia or nitrites. I do partial water changes when I can see excessive amounts of poop on the bottom. The reason I don't...
  30. B

    Molly’s sitting upside down at bottom of tank please help!!

    I have a 25 gallon fish tank, In the last 3 day I’ve lost 11 out of 13 fish ( 2 angles 6 tetras 2 mollies and 1 telescope eyed goldfish) the only survivors were two other balloon belly Molly’s. The fish all did the same thing, go to the bottom of the tank lay upside down or on there side then...
  31. Fiji

    Nitrates refuse to go down?

    Hello everyone. I have been battling a dilemma with my 55 gallon tank for some time now and figured it was time to ask for advice. For the past 3-4 months every time I measure the nitrates level it reads 40-80 ppm which is obviously not good. The tank is not heavily stocked and I've been doing...
  32. K

    Opinions on where my cycle is?

    My readings are Ammonia- 0.25 ppm Nitirite- 5 ppm Nitrate - 20 ppm Do I need to continue feeding ammonia? Does my tank need a water change? Any advice is appreciated, thank you
  33. scotty027

    Nitrite problems

    Hello everyone, i need some advice on fishless cycling.I'll give information about my tank before stating the problem. 46 gallon running a penguin 150 biowheel and a fluval c4 hob filter planted tap water readings 0/0/0 ammonia-old country (5 percent) Lots of seeding material So i'm in the...
  34. M

    Established Tank Problem, Asking For Any Advice

    Okay, I'm not new to having a fish tank, but I'm not the most knowledgeable person either. In the past I've had 20 gal, 29 gal, 55 gal, all freshwater and decided to take a break from fish for about 8 years. I have a 29 gallon currently that I've had for about a year and a half now. I HAD a...
  35. H

    Nitrate Levels Won't Go Down!

    Hi all,   So basically, I've had my tank set up for nearly a year now, and It's been fine for a long time. Recently (about 2 months ago) I noticed that the Nitrate levels were increasing, I increased the number of water changes to twice a week. Now I didn't take a lot of water out the second...
  36. J

    Where's My Nitrate?

    Last week I upgraded tank from a 64l to a 130l (very exciting). I had the tank set up for a week beforehand, then last weekend I moved the fish, old filter and ornaments into the new tank.   A bit of a mini cycle seemed to take place in the following days. On Sunday ammonia was up at 0.25. On...
  37. simonero

    Ph, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate Problem... Need Advice & Knowledge&#

    Hello there!!!   Due to thievery of buckets and general busyness/laziness with perfectly maintained tanks... my tanks are no longer perfectly maintained and my water is crazy.  Now I have some questions.  For the stats, after the LFS telling me I had issues, I bought a test kit yesterday to test...
  38. Sophie

    Help, Nitrate Problems - Tta, Eagles, Flutter?

    You guys who are reading this and know me, you know I am well aware of the nitrogen cycle. I have been watching my Clown Loaches over the course of the past few months, had a couple of new additions to the group etc. I started to notice the reddening of the gills, almost shiny metallic - bare in...
  39. TemStar

    Cycling After Fish Fail?

    So I had a tank for about a month and 2 weeks ago I began testing the water. I saw that the nitrates were through the roof! So I had been doing water changes everyday of 20% and then eventually to 50%. After I saw no difference, I did an 80% and all the fish died, but anywho...   With a fishless...
  40. P

    Advice Needed On My Water - Please

    Hello All,   I am sorry to be having to ask a fishless cycle question when there is so much information available online, but here goes again…   My tank is a newly set up 125 L Fluval with an Eheim Professional 3 filter.  I measured the water going in and there is 112 L.  There is a 1 cm think...