Red Cherry Shrimp Breeding

I just spotted a baby cherry shrimp in the tank would love to post a photo but my camera cant focus on it.
I guess this means my water is just right?
Not only does it mean that your water suits the shrimp, it also means you are well on the way to ending up with a couple of hundred in a few weeks time. A rule I heard of with shrimp is if you can see/ count say 10 double it to get a rough idea of how many are actually in the tank. This of course only works after they have started breeding.
And to be quite honest I have no idea what my water parameters are, I know the water temp is 25ceg C, the PH is 7.4 nothing I can do about that, as for the rest? Its a 70 litre tank, Heavily planted with a big 3 tray canister filter that is full of Bio Home media. The only thing I add to the water is Prime, As the Tetras that were in the tank are now in the big tank, so is the Gourami, the shrimp share the tank with 3 snails and a pleco.
Biopro Aquarium External Canister Fish Tank Water Filter 1200 LPH + Aqua Sponge
Seachem Prime 500ml-Aquarium Water-Conditioner for Fish,Turtles,Fighter Fish
Biohome ULTRA Bio Filter Media 2 kg - for Fresh Water or Marine Aquarium
Just watch out that the shrimp dont end up in your filter, they are shockers for getting in through the smallest of openings, and trust me its hell once you realise the filter media you have just gone to great pains to clean was actually housing quite a few mischevious shrimp.
If you dont already I would look at adding some leaves to your tank for the shrimp. Indian Almond leaves are often used, but these are usually sold dried and will have some impact on your pH over time. You can also give them green, yellow or dried mulberry leaves and fresh organically grown kale. Shrimp really will go for almost any food and I know of one person who gives them fresh banana, not the skin or leaves the actual fruit.
Just watch out that the shrimp dont end up in your filter,
Thanks for the advice Baccus, Before I put any shrimp in my tank a few months ago I made sure they couldn’t get sucked up into the filter.
Because I have HOB filters I have even had the shrimp walk up over the return part, I am sure they feel like little interpid explores scaling some great waterfall. They also get in through the holes in the bottom of one of my internal filters and I have even seen them getting in through the holes in the spray bar filter return.
If you want to give your shrimp a real treat and see them go nuts, give them some defrosted bloodworms. they really do love the things. Not the freeze dried ones, just the fresh frozen ones.
They also love frozen brine shrimp, I prefer frozen to freeze dried, I think the frozen stuff has more nutrients, And I like to feed a mix of frozen and pellets to all the fish in my care about 50 / 50. I also like the  Hikari  range of foods, and so do the fish, The shrimp love the Hikari micro pellets.
My poor snails are treated like taxi's
Snails might be treated as taxi's, but whiptails are treated like race cars in my tank
I am starting to see the baby shrimp on wood and plants, They are starting to explore the tank.

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