Recommendations for a musical instrument for my daughter


May 18, 2020
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Saint Joseph, MI
My 15 yr old daughter has a birthday coming up in a couple months and I am trying to decide what to get her for her birthday. I am thinking of getting her a musical instrument, as she is extremely musically inclined.

Her first musical instrument was the Recorder in Elementary school, then she graduated to the Flute in Middle School. She has an ear for music and has perfect pitch. She can hear a note and tell you what it is... A, B... sharp... flat... you name it! And her voice is absolutely beautiful. She is a very talented singer. I have NO IDEA where she got her talents from, as it is certainly NOT Me!! I cannot carry a tune in a bucket!!

Anyway, she learned how to play the Flute so fast that it was like she already knew how to play it as soon as she picked it up, like there was almost no learning curve. It was amazing! She taught her self how to play Star Wars' Imperial March just by listening to the song and matching the notes. She has an amazing Music Teacher/Band Director who teaches both Middle and High School. She absolutely loves him and looks up to him. He had her help some of the other students as they were learning how to play the flute in Middle School.

Her Band Director encouraged her to pursue other instruments outside of school and to broaden her experiences with music, so we bought her a Ukulele for Christmas when she was in 5th or 6th grade. She taught her self how to play it by looking up songs on the internet and YouTube, and within a week of getting the Ukulele she could play three songs and now it is dozens. Two years later we bought her an Acoustic Guitar, and again, she picked it up and was playing songs within a week or two. She blows me away. Last year we bought her an Electric Guitar. A few years ago we had a friend of the family who was looking to get rid of their piano and knew that our daughter loved music, so they gave it to us. It was in beautiful condition and they even had it tuned for us before they gave it to us. Again, my daughter taught herself how to play the piano in record time, and although she is not a master, she plays beautifully. Our house is always filled with music. I LOVE it!!

So, as you can see, she already has quite a few instruments, but I know she would always love another one, as part of her passion is learning how to play the instruments and constantly honing her skills. But now my dilemma is what instrument to get her. I have brought up the Violin to her, and she didn't really seem interested at all, so I would say that one is out. So, I need suggestions for another instrument to get her. What instrument should I get her next?

The other thought I had, was possibly recording equipment, as most of the time when she is playing an instrument, she is singing as well (with the exception of the flute obviously!! lol) and she loves to record herself on her phone, so she can listen to herself play and sing, and make improvements. So if anyone out there is knowledgeable when it comes to recording equipment and could possibly make some recommendations that would be great and appreciated!
@dmpfishlover I think that’s awesome your daughter is a music prodigy. I play clarinet and got a scholarship from my school to play bass clarinet. IMO the bass clarinet is realy fun to play and is the model that they used to create the saxophone. I would not recommend if your daughter is not tall or average height.
And I have seen someone attach a go pro to their trombone before in this video

A Boléro from New York: NY Philharmonic Musicians Send Musical Tribute to Healthcare Workers on YouTube
It may sound a bit odd, but a girl who was in my son's class at school and is now married to my son's best friend played the bassoon when she was at school. Unfortunately her parents could not afford to buy a bassoon so the instrument was on loan from the school and she had to give up the instrument when she left. She is now a piano teacher but she says if she could afford it she'd love to get a bassoon.

My son learned the piano, and his piano teacher (actually the mother of the bassoon player) was sent a leaflet by the local organists association who were holding an open day in the hope of recruiting new organists. Our son took to it like a duck to water - our church has a 2 manual keyboard and full pedalboard pipe organ and he loved shocking the violin and trumpet players by reading 3 lines of music at the same time.
Would your daughter enjoy the challenge of this since she already plays the piano? And if a local church would let her play?
I play the piano and the drums. My mom has a masters degree in music, so it kinda rubbed off.

If you are wanting quiet, you could always get her an electric piano or drum set. That way she can plug in headphones and you wouldn't hear a thing.

I quite enjoy playing my drums. I'm also quite good!! :band::hyper:
I play the piano and the drums. My mom has a masters degree in music, so it kinda rubbed off.

If you are wanting quiet, you could always get her an electric piano or drum set. That way she can plug in headphones and you wouldn't hear a thing.

I quite enjoy playing my drums. I'm also quite good!! :band::hyper:
an electric drum set is a great idea!!! I will have to look into that!
It may sound a bit odd, but a girl who was in my son's class at school and is now married to my son's best friend played the bassoon when she was at school. Unfortunately her parents could not afford to buy a bassoon so the instrument was on loan from the school and she had to give up the instrument when she left. She is now a piano teacher but she says if she could afford it she's love to get a bassoon.

My son learned the piano, and his piano teacher (actually the mother of the bassoon player) was sent a leaflet by the local organists association who were holding an open day in the hope of recruiting new organists. Our son took to it like a duck to water - our church has a 2 manual keyboard and full pedalboard pipe organ and he loved shocking the violin and trumpet players by reading 3 lines of music at the same time.
Would your daughter enjoy the challenge of this since she already plays the piano? And if a local church would let her play?
Hmmm.. The Bassoon... I will look into it. If it is too expensive, I will have to look for another option. I am not sure how she would feel about playing the pipe organ in church... She is insecure (I have no idea why... she is so talented) and doesn't like to play/sing in front of crowds.
@dmpfishlover I think that’s awesome your daughter is a music prodigy. I play clarinet and got a scholarship from my school to play bass clarinet. IMO the bass clarinet is realy fun to play and is the model that they used to create the saxophone. I would not recommend if your daughter is not tall or average height.
That is a great idea!! Her best friend plays the clarinet. The bass clarinet might be more her style. I will look into it. Thanks for the suggestion!!
Take her to a music store and ask her what instrument she wants to learn. If she is that talented, get her a new instrument each year and let her learn all of them.
Great idea!!! We are kind of headed in that direction already, having bought her a new instrument every couple of years. :)

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