Realm of Knowledge

Great Lakes

Always do right, not popular...
May 11, 2002
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Southern Michigan
This thread will remain pinned;

It is intended for book reviews and to acknowledge helpful websites.

In the future, let's hope we can compile enough useful info here to assist those starting all the levels of this hobby.

First, on books. try to avoid buying any marine starter books not originally copyrighted in the last five to ten years. They are woefully out of date. They will still contain helpful info, but won't give you the best bang for the buck.

We are small, but every effort will be made to answer questions about the marine world. Here, you are not a number, but a friend.

dr. foster smith is one of the best places around in my opinon i have learned alot from just shoping around there every fish invert and even rock has a lot of side notes to them and they have articles about every thing vist them and shop around but make sure you read all the info if you do you will learn a lot
The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner.

See it here.

It is one of the best books that I have ever encountered. :thumbs:
A good book for Identifying fish is using "Marine Fishes" (Pocket Expert guide) by Scott Michael
Another series is the Baensch's Marine Atlas Volumes 1,2,and 3.

Or you could go for a Dr. Seuss classic. "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" :lol:
Three MUST HAVE books for starting a marine tank if you are a total NEWBIE to saltwater are, hands down, the ones listed below. If you read these three before setting up shop, you'll be WAY ahead of the game:

Paletta's book, The New Marine Aquarium: Step-By-Step Setup & Stocking Guide

Jeffrey Kurtz's book, The Simple Guide To Mini-reef Aquariums

And I second Borneman's, Aquarium Corals : Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History

And I concur with Fenner's book, The Conscientious Marine Aquarist

Good luck. SH
"The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium, Volume 4" by Svein A. Fossa and Alf Jacob Nilsen is a great book for inverts (havn't had a chance to look at the other volumes yet). It covers mollusks, echinoderms, and tunicates. It has some care info, but seems mainly geared towards being a reference book. I've found it very useful for identifying stuff like Vermetid snails, but it's probably not real useful for the bulk of marine livestock...I'm guessing not too many people keep crinoids for example lol. It has a great nudibranch section though.
I recently picked up this book, as it looked interesting and I have fallen inlove with the orchid dottyback. Ill post a review, although prelim scanning looks good!

-EDIT- After reading more than half this book is a great read. Now here is the warning. It contains little helpful info on breeding. He says as much in the preface. This is more of an journal versus a how to text. He did write one that I will be picking up as soon as i find it. That being said it still is a fun read for anyone as desperate for info on breeding marine fishes as i am.

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