Real kit starter need


New Member
Feb 17, 2024
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Browsing, there are many kit starters with more or less long list of items.
Don’t know anymore if a kit is a good idea.

I am living in South East Asia, 1 season per year, humid a lot, 35 degrees all year.

Will choose between Luminous Tetra or Goldfish, one or the other.
Will equip with Anubias plant.

Need your recommendation on the gear.

I am going to buy: classica-eco-60-aquarium-tank-set-60x30x35cm 63L

it contains:
  • tank
  • led
  • Internal Filtration (Biological & Mechanical)
  • removable cover

Is there anything else I must buy?

Tropical Tiger
You don't need a heater....

If the filtration is built in, I would avoid it. Those systems break, and then the tank is a problem. A filter not permanently attached is better.

The tank is much too small for a goldfish, especially at your high temperatures.
A water test kit would be good. Something to de-chlorinate if your water is chlorinated. Plants.

That kit doesn't look very good. The filter seems weak for that tank.
Thank you for all the comments.
The Marina 20G looks amazing, need to check

I also thought about:

- Gex marina 600 black

- Gex silent flow slim filter black

But I cannot find lighting to fit the 60m at less than $120 (over my budget for the led)
There is no cover, I think it is expected for the led to do it.
What do you think of the above?

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