Random Discussion

My grandmother was left handed. She was forced to use her right hand at school, though her parents allowed he to use her left hand at home. My father was ambidextrous, though he favoured his right hand. When he tripped and fell out of the shed and broke his right wrist, he carried on working in an office (before computers) using his left hand, including signing his name.
My husband's brother was left handed but their father "beat it out of him" :mad:
I’m a righty, my dad is a lefty though!

(If it makes you feel better, I play drums, so that helps strengthen my left hand. ;))

My husband's brother was left handed but their father "beat it out of him" :mad:
My dads dad used to make my dad right and do everything with his right hand, because he was left handed. It apparently didn’t work...
I’m a righty, my dad is a lefty though!

(If it makes you feel better, I play drums, so that helps strengthen my left hand. ;))

My dads dad used to make my dad right and do everything with his right hand, because he was left handed. It apparently didn’t work...

I thought the American Dad skit on lefties was just a bizarre joke. I didn't realize that people actually treated lefties this way. My father was also left handed, but I never heard of anything like what y'all are describing happening. Insanity!

And you're a drummer? I think we need some videos of you on the skins. I don't fancy myself as a drummer, but I can keep a basic beat. I'm primarily a guitar and bass player. But, my niece and daughter wanted to take up drums, so a few years ago I bought them each an inexpensive drum kit for Christmas and showed them a few beats and how to use a metronome.

Yes, that is me at my daughter's little red 3 piece. Lol.

I thought the American Dad skit on lefties was just a bizarre joke. I didn't realize that people actually treated lefties this way. My father was also left handed, but I never heard of anything like what y'all are describing happening. Insanity!
Oh yes, totally true. :/

Yes, that is me at my daughter's little red 3 piece. Lol.
That’s very cool! Yes, I’m a drummer, I would call myself an intermediate drummer. I have been drumming for about 1.8 years now.

I’ll upload a picture of my set later. :)
I’ll upload a picture of my set later. :)

I said video. We can't hear a picture, now can we? :p

What style do you play? I was always in metal bands (and one punk band that poked fun at punk music) and the things those guys could do on the drums were unreal. The coordination, agility and stamina were amazing. They really forced me to up my game. I miss those days sometimes.
I thought the American Dad skit on lefties was just a bizarre joke. I didn't realize that people actually treated lefties this way. My father was also left handed, but I never heard of anything like what y'all are describing happening. Insanity!
Oh yes. It used to very common to force kids who showed a preference for using their left hand to use their right instead. Left-handedness was associated with the devil and witchcraft for a long long time, and viewed as a deviancy to be corrected since only like, one in ten people are left handed. I'm 37 (although born to parents who were older when they had me) and my grandmother, an otherwise sweet woman - apparently wanted my mum to tie my left hand behind my back to force me to write with my right hand. Her Christian faith apparently played a part. Even a teacher made some comment about any "special considerations" to try to teach me to write with my right hand apparently. My mum luckily refused and was supportive, making sure I had things like left handed scissors, and pens that were supposed to be better for lefties to hold. Right handed people sometimes don't realise how right handed the world is ;) I don't need left handed scissors or pens or things now, but they're good for left handed kids who are just getting the hang of manual dexterity.

A good article for anyone interested, about the historical attitudes towards left handedness, and why it carried on even into the 20th century.

"In the 20th century, anthropologists and psychologists identified left-handedness as a biological anomaly, one associated with deviancy but that could be corrected away with behavioral reinforcement."

I have read that forcing a left handed kid to adapt to only using their right actually caused some damage, since it literally rewired their brains, but how true that is, I don't know. Neural plasticity is a relatively new field of science, and brains are more adaptable than we thought. But since I'm not only left handed, but also left footed, have better sight in my left eye etc, and it comes so naturally to me, I'm glad I wasn't forced to change that. Most of us lefties are more ambidextrous than most, just from adapting to doing things in right handed ways. I rock climb and abseil using the right handed way, just because that's how I learned to do it, even though you can switch things to do it left handed :)
@AdoraBelle Dearheart I simply cannot wrap my head around that. Wrong on so many levels.

I just turned the lights on and our male convict has beat the stuffing out of the female. I knew my cichlids have been having a lover's quarrel, but it's never been anything serious other than your typical cichlid bickering. I've got her in a big net for the moment. I've gotta get her a QT tank set up as soon as I finish this post. I think the safest bet will be making a mesh box and putting the betta in it in the guppy tank and putting the female convict in the 5 gallon betta tank. Definitely not ideal, but she's still young, so she'll at least have some room to move around in an established tank until I figure out a better solution.
I said video. We can't hear a picture, now can we? :p

What style do you play? I was always in metal bands (and one punk band that poked fun at punk music) and the things those guys could do on the drums were unreal. The coordination, agility and stamina were amazing. They really forced me to up my game. I miss those days sometimes.
Heavy metal, rap, trap, etc.

I’m really getting into the fast stuff now. (Rush, AC/DC, etc.)

I’m working on “Tom Sawyer” by Rush. It’s really hard, but I’m getting there. :) (you can YouTube it)

I’ll try to upload a video on YouTube later, of me playing. I may not be able to however, because I will be attending the CAP Nation Conference. (Online)

Anyway, here is my setup:


I really like it - it’s a Pearl Export Series. Most my cymbals are Zildjian.
Heavy metal, rap, trap, etc.

I’m really getting into the fast stuff now. (Rush, AC/DC, etc.)

I’m working on “Tom Sawyer” by Rush. It’s really hard, but I’m getting there. :) (you can YouTube it)

I’ll try to upload a video on YouTube later, of me playing. I may not be able to however, because I will be attending the CAP Nation Conference. (Online)

Anyway, here is my setup:
View attachment 112826
View attachment 112827
I really like it - it’s a Pearl Export Series. Most my cymbals are Zildjian.

I love Rush! 2112 is one of my all time favorite albums. Did you hear about Neil Peart passing away from glioblastoma recently?

Props on the hearing protection. Smart man. I wish I had used protection when I was active in bands. My hearing is shot, especially higher frequencies.

If like challenging yourself you should give these a try:

"Black Tongue" by Mastodon (Brann Dailor is a seriously underrated drummer!)
"Ticks and Leaches" by Tool
"The Dance of Eternity" by Dream Theater (try clapping along to that one!)

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