New Member
hello I am going to be getting some African Dwarf frogs and breeding them. I have breed bettas before and know a few things about breeding.
right now I do not have the frogs yet and I am preparing for when I get them.
I will be posting my experiance with you guys.
right now I have a 5 gallon that I am going to be keeping my frogs in
of what I read people let them breed in thier tank and take out the eggs. I also read that the eggs stick to everything. so I think it would make sence to set up a breeding tank and moving the adults because the eggs would be more fragel then the adults.
I am getting another 5 gallon for a breeding tank.
I have also read it is hard to feed the tadpoles. I am going to be getting 3 different sizes of microworms and vinager eels. When they are bigger I will hatch brine shrimp for them.these foods are small and are recomended for meat eating fry. I used these with my betta fry and if you seen betta fry you know how small they are.
the adults are going to be fed frozen foods like bloodwomrs, glasworms and brine shrimp. I like my pets to have a variaty of food to eat. I also have meal worms as a treat for my fish and will give my frogs some as a treat too. The frogs will be hand fed
I will be putting 3 frogs in my 5 gallon tank. I will have sand on the bottom and lots of live plants. the breeding tank will also have lots of plants but a bare bottome.
how come my spell check will not work on this and how to I get it to check my spelling.
right now I do not have the frogs yet and I am preparing for when I get them.
I will be posting my experiance with you guys.
right now I have a 5 gallon that I am going to be keeping my frogs in
of what I read people let them breed in thier tank and take out the eggs. I also read that the eggs stick to everything. so I think it would make sence to set up a breeding tank and moving the adults because the eggs would be more fragel then the adults.
I am getting another 5 gallon for a breeding tank.
I have also read it is hard to feed the tadpoles. I am going to be getting 3 different sizes of microworms and vinager eels. When they are bigger I will hatch brine shrimp for them.these foods are small and are recomended for meat eating fry. I used these with my betta fry and if you seen betta fry you know how small they are.
the adults are going to be fed frozen foods like bloodwomrs, glasworms and brine shrimp. I like my pets to have a variaty of food to eat. I also have meal worms as a treat for my fish and will give my frogs some as a treat too. The frogs will be hand fed
I will be putting 3 frogs in my 5 gallon tank. I will have sand on the bottom and lots of live plants. the breeding tank will also have lots of plants but a bare bottome.
how come my spell check will not work on this and how to I get it to check my spelling.