questions about betta breeding


Oct 20, 2004
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i have a female beta that i believe is either a plakat or a CT but I'm not sure.. are there any better ways to determine than by the tail type pics of the two?

if shes a ct and i spawn her with my double tail male will i get all Ct's or all double tails or maybe a mix? i wold like to see a double tail with spikes like a CT but i don't know much about betta genetics or even genetics in general....

i already tried spawning the two but the male is not getting it.. he coaxes the female under the nest then chases her away violently and goes back to work making the nest bigger....

the female is ready... when he gives her a chance she goes nose down under the nest but as soon as that happens he comes near showing off his fins and kind of shimmying then attacks he and chases her away.. hes puled a few scales off the female but she hasn't torched him... I'm letting the female rest for a fue weeks or even a month to heal since she has some missing scales and that should also give the male some time to figure out what he needs to do......

also next time I'm trying Indian almond leaf...
I've heard that if u let the mail fight another bettas for a couple min, he will get the idea that he needs to spawn since in the wild they fite for the right to spawn
I have two male bettas near eachother, I keep something in between them so they don't see eachother, but when I take that away they flare and eventually both start a bubble nest.
i put a male in a hurricane lamps hood (oil lamp) and they flaired a bunch but still no action...... i think the only thing i can do is wait and get some indian almond leaves mondy .... if the freezing rain lets up....
You mentioned rain, when a storm front is about to roll in bettas go nuts, hence why so many breeders wait for fronts to roll in for their breeding. Maybe it's the weather, percipitaion/moisture/or just feel, drop that has them so gloomy as to breeding? -_-
in Oregon its always raining..... I'm still nursing the female and my double tail is still blowing bubbles so i think when the female is ready its going to work out....

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