Puget Sound Biotope

Hey !
Nice to get news of your "drama box" that turned stunning :)
Makes me want to create its Mediterranean mate.
I’ve always wanted tidepool sculpin. How do you keep the tank so cold? I want to make a San Diego Tidepool Bio type. What’s the max size of a tidepool sculpin or blennies That live around here?
That was the biggest expense in this setup, the chiller keeps the water at 56F for the creatures. The Tidepool sculpins are pretty small, and I think the largest one I have seen at the Seattle Aquarium was about 3"

I have been suggested the Catalina goby, but since I have a biotope I do not want to introduce anything that is not part of it. They are adorable, though!

All the marine life in that tank has been gathered near my house. The sand substrate is Quikrete Play Sand.
That was the biggest expense in this setup, the chiller keeps the water at 56F for the creatures.
That's the single biggest thing that's kept me from doing a Wyoming creek biotope. They do NOT give those things away!
That's the single biggest thing that's kept me from doing a Wyoming creek biotope. They do NOT give those things away!
True! And even if you try to make your own (which I did look into), cost wise you end up not that much better and have less reliability.
What would you do if (God forbid) the chiller ever failed?

Stick the whole tank into your refrigerator?
Haha, always the optimist, you! No, I have a 20 gallon RV tank that I can enable pretty quickly if I need to. I hope that does not happen, though.
I wonder which chiller do you use ? Any link ?

The 1/2 HP is probably overkill, but I needed to compensate for some distance to the tank. Compressor kicks in every two hours or so.
How many degrees do you gain over the room temperature ?
This is a screen grab of the app that monitors temp. Three probes connected to Arduino report back. We had a few days of 99F/37C and it kept the tank temperature without missing a beat.

This is a screen grab of the app that monitors temp. Three probes connected to Arduino report back. We had a few days of 99F/37C and it kept the tank temperature without missing a beat.
Wow ! Super effective ! Thanks again.
Thanks for the update! This tank looks amazing. It is so interesting to see how far it has come!

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