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Fish Addict
Nov 28, 2011
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i cant make up my mind what i want to stock my tank with, i've always wanted a puffer and was looking at dwarf puffers but then i came across the south american puffer, i like the sound of them and the fact that they're not as aggressive as other puffers, i only have a 64L tank so i would probably keep 2 or 3 at the max, trouble is i also want some colour in the tank, something bright and sparkly looking, but dont know what fish would be compatible to keep with SA puffers :( wish i had a bigger tank, or more than one :) lol
I don't think other fish would fare well in a tank that small. I have heard of oto's being kept with them, so maybe a small school of fast moving tetras would be ok. I make no promises tho...
SAP's are quite peaceful so cant live with aggressive fish and they can/will nip at fish so slow moving fish with long fins are also out. They recommend a minimum 15g tank per puffer so the idea of 2 is really pushing it unless you have excellent filtration such as an external due to the messy diet. Tanks need a mix of planted and open swimming area to keep them happy and diet needs to include shelled foods to keep their beaks in check (otherwise you'll have to trim it).

They do well in peaceful community tanks so one on its own with some additional fish may work in a 64 litre.
hmm i been reading up on them all night, its a shame cus i really liked them. alot of conflicting advice on the internet though about their requirements. in PFK magazine it says they grow to 6cm, some websites say 10cm others say 14. and theres alot of conflicting advice on tank size and space requirements too
They are great fish, good luck finding one though, been really hard to find this year!!

Personally, from keeping SAPs, I would say only 1 on a 64L tank, two reasons... in a 64L tank you probably only have an internal filter which generally wont do a great job at coping with the huge ammount of waste puffers produce and breaking down the results of a very high protein diet, 1 would be max in that sense...

Then there is how active they are! My one was in 300L and used every single inch of it, racing up and down, playing in the flow and doing rolls lol. Mine was housed with large angels, discus and catfish and got on great.

I would advise keeping 1 SAP as a feature fish with maybe 4 platies (you can get 4 different colours!) and a small shoal of tetras.. (maybe 6 neons or something?) and maybe something like a Pitbull Plec to eat algae.
A 64l is far too small for a zippy SAP, this fish are almost as active as Zebra/Leopard Danios, nothing less than a 90cm long tank but ideally 120cm+.

Lots of current (~10x true turnover) firing along a long side that is very open water, with the other half of the tank really densely furnished with plants (tall bushy varieties)and bogwood stacked to made a really stimulating maze, otherwise they get bored and "pace" up and down the tank.

SAPs are very social with their own kind, they will huddle together to sleep overnight.

SAPs are relatively community friendly, just like Irrubesco Puffers, but tankmates need to be chosen with care... Zippy riverine fish are the safest, for instance Bleeding Heart Tetras or Pearl Danios.
hmm i think i've changed my mind now, i know my tank isnt quite suitable enough for them, maybe in the future when i have a bigger tank :) for now i think i will stick with my idea of a nice shoal of espei rasbora and some kuhli loach :)
Can these guys (SAP's) be kept in brackish water. slight brackish... ~1.005-1.008
They're freshwater, but will tollerate the 1.005 you mention as some are found in esturies and mouths from sea water to river water.

TBH Kyle, your newest plan is far better than keeping SAP's in your tank. Everything NOTG mentioned is bang on point, especially compared with some of the other, rather 'out there' info offered in this thread.
They're freshwater, but will tollerate the 1.005 you mention as some are found in esturies and mouths from sea water to river water.

TBH Kyle, your newest plan is far better than keeping SAP's in your tank. Everything NOTG mentioned is bang on point, especially compared with some of the other, rather 'out there' info offered in this thread.

Tell em :lol:
Well the way I see it you would only be helping so poor/incorrect information is not given out again in the future.

Its for the good of TFF :*

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