Process of water change for golden/milky fish


New Member
Aug 30, 2021
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Noida, India
Hi All,

I have just started with my first aquarium with few golden fishes.
After few weeks I saw some fungal infection on one of my fish for which shopkeeper suggested to change complete water with ( anti-clorine + blue medicine + green medicine ) , I tried that but due to this one of my healthy fish died next day however the sick fish seems to be recovered.

Please suggest do I need to add medicines ( like blue , anti-chlorine , green-o-green ) on every water change or on every 15 days ( as suggested by shopkeeper)

I'm living in Noida - India and currently we have rainy season here.

Pls help

Abdul Mohsin
If the fish are healthy, do not add medicines.
However I recommend dechlorinator at every water change as chlorine can kill fish.
Be very careful with malechite green, it is carcinogenic. For treating fungus in the future you could just use methylene blue.
Hello Abdul.
Can you please tell us as much as you can about your tank?
It is possible that your tank set-up has caused the fish problems.

I do know that water quality can vary in India and that you should always add a quality water conditioner, as @Naughts suggested.

Changing the water is always a good treatment for many fish and tank problems.

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