Problem With Neon Tetras


Mostly New Member
Aug 17, 2016
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I'm new to this and I've learned a lot in the last week, but I'm sure I've already made more mistakes than I realize. I bought a 1.5 gallon tank because my parents told me that would be good for the five tetras I was getting at the time. I got them and set everything up but I only had one fish left after the first 3 days. I went to the pet store and got five more to go with the fish I still had left, I also ended up with an extra fish because the person getting them out of the tank accidentally got 6. I learned right around that time that a tank that small isn't suitable for nearly anything. I do intend to get a bigger tank but it's going to take me a little while before I can get a space set up for a bigger one. Now that I've got through all of that I'll get on to the problem.

I lost one of the fish a couple days ago and never did find out what happened. It didn't jump out or anything and we didn't find it in the filter. It's like it just disappeared. I wrote that off as an unexplained loss but today I had another missing. This one turned out to be in the filter and it was alive so I put it back in the tank. I've been keeping an eye on it and it doesn't seem to have been hurt or anything from what I can tell. I need some solution to keep them out of the filter but I don't know what to do. I'm pretty afraid that I'm gonna lose one to the filter. Also, if you could suggest a new tank for the future I would appreciate that. I'll probably be looking for a ten gallon.

This is the kit that I bought:
I also got 4 neon tetras, in a 3.5 gallon tank. They all but one have died so far. But when asking, I find out it's supposed to be 1 tetra per 1-1.5 gallon. So I would say a bigger tank would suit them better, between 5-10 gallons. 
As for the disappearing fish, check in the rocks at the bottom, the filter. And unfortunately, the other fish may have eaten them. They get territorial.
I've checked everywhere multiple times and I haven't been able to find it. Like I said before, I do intend to get a bigger tank for them. I just need to make some space and save up some more money.
Sounds like you did not cycle the tank before adding the neons unfortunately.
Basically it means you need to get the tank set up, running and go through a process that involves adding ammonia (or adding established filter media into your filter) and testing on a regular basis until you have built up a bacterial colony that can can deal with the ammonia that fish creates through breathing and their waste.
So you need to do this first so the tank and filter can keep the water clean and healthy for the fish you keep.
Cycling Your New Fresh Water Tank: Read This First!
And as you have found out already, that little 1.5 gal US / 6 litre tank is not suitable at all for any fish, though you COULD keep a betta splenden in this but not really recommended tbh. A shrimps and maybe snails too as a set up would be doable.
This little tank is really not suitable for beginners imho, the water stability would be very difficult to keep stable if you do not know what to look or test for.
JonesLemurC said:
I find out it's supposed to be 1 tetra per 1-1.5 gallon. So I would say a bigger tank would suit them better, between 5-10 gallons.
I am not entirely sure where you got that information about needing 1 to 1.5 gal per tetra, this is not quite correct really as there are many variations of tetras that there is not really a one size fits all for tetras, and do not forget that tetras are a shoaling specie so they need to be kept in groups of at least 6+, the more, the better. So 5 to 10 gal is still too small really am afraid.
Neon tetras, despite their little size need space as they are a active specie of fish and can swim real fast and some distance when spooked easily. So that link i posted earlier from Seriously Fish suggests a 15 gal US / 60 litre with 2 feet length of tank as minimum.
I would go as far as to suggest that a 20 gal US / 80 litre tank with a length of at least 30 inch / 2.5 feet being more suitable for these neon tetras.
I didn't cycle the tank. I didn't learn about it until after I had the fish, unfortunately. I'll have to talk to my parents and see what I can work out with the space. We have an idea for where I could put a ten gallon tank but I'll have to see if I can figure something out for a twenty gallon. My dad has been wanting me to get a Cory catfish. Would the 20 gallon be suitable for it with the tetras?

Also, sorry if I'm badly misinformed but I've been having to go by what my parents know and it's been over twenty years since they had fish. I'm sure a lot of things have been learned about fish since then that they don't know.
I would hand the remaining fish back to the store and take time to set up a significantly larger tank and cycle it appropriately. No use worrying about stocking before you have this in place. You also need to determine whether your water is hard or soft. The fish you have mentioned all require soft water.
Cories need to be in groups of MINIMUM six individuals. Ideally more. They also require sand substrate so as to not get hurt.
avatar0810 said:
I didn't cycle the tank. I didn't learn about it until after I had the fish, unfortunately. I'll have to talk to my parents and see what I can work out with the space. We have an idea for where I could put a ten gallon tank but I'll have to see if I can figure something out for a twenty gallon. My dad has been wanting me to get a Cory catfish. Would the 20 gallon be suitable for it with the tetras?

Also, sorry if I'm badly misinformed but I've been having to go by what my parents know and it's been over twenty years since they had fish. I'm sure a lot of things have been learned about fish since then that they don't know.
This does happen, not to worry.
Twenty years ago, the hobby was indeed VERY different, there was no such thing as cycling tanks at that time really, fish in cycles was the norm. The amount of information available and accuracies has improved tremendously. Of course there is still a lot to learn and improve on but we have made leaps and strides in this hobby ;)
A 20 gal US tank is good for cories and tetras :)
(of course is dependant on your water parameters, on gH, kH and pH)
Thanks for the information. Do you have any tank/equipment suggestions?
Neon tetras, despite their little size need space as they are a active specie of fish and can swim real fast and some distance when spooked easily. So that link i posted earlier from Seriously Fish suggests a 15 gal US / 60 litre with 2 feet length of tank as minimum.
I would go as far as to suggest that a 20 gal US / 80 litre tank with a length of at least 30 inch / 2.5 feet being more suitable for these neon tetras.
A 20 gal US tank is good for cories and tetras :)
(of course is dependant on your water parameters, on gH, kH and pH)

Not sure why the quote didn't work, sorry about that.
Not to worry, I recognise my own quote :lol:
What do you mean by tank/equipment suggestions?
Perhaps you could go to your LFS and have a look around to see what aquariums and tank equipment they have, make a list and note brand and sizes etc that you like . And then look online to see if any of those are cheaper or look into a different LFS.
Worth looking into second hand tanks and equipment as well as there can be bargains.
But if you already have a list or ideas of what you like but unsure if any good or not, just post a question about it, and we're happy to help out with recommendations for certain stuff.
Do be aware a lot of members are from different countries so we may not recognise certain equipments or tanks you might post about but some of us will have  general good idea of what it will be like as most of us have gone through trial and errors with own stuff we have bought.
I never thought about how many different brands there would be between countries. That was what I meant by suggestions, brands or specific products. The closest pet store, unless you count the fish section at Walmart, is a PetSmart, which is about a 30-40 minute drive depending on traffic. I just went there Saturday so it'll probably be a little while before I get to back. I have been looking on their website though. Should I post what I've looked at in this topic or do I need to post it somewhere else?
I would think if you post a new thread in the relevant section, you will get more answers as folks would assume this thread is solely about neon tetras :lol:
I'm not from the US, but I have seen posts about $1 per gallon tank sales. I'm not sure if all the chains do it but it would be worth keeping an eye open for them. A 20 gallon tank for $20 is good value in any ones money.
I've just had a look online and it seems to be Petco that do it.
If you do buy a tank from them take any advice they give you with a grain of salt. They seem to have a bad rep for advising newcomers to the hobby about which fish to keep and when you can safely add them to a tank.
Munroco said:
I'm not from the US, but I have seen posts about $1 per gallon tank sales. I'm not sure if all the chains do it but it would be worth keeping an eye open for them. A 20 gallon tank for $20 is good value in any ones money.
I've just had a look online and it seems to be Petco that do it.
If you do buy a tank from them take any advice they give you with a grain of salt. They seem to have a bad rep for advising newcomers to the hobby about which fish to keep and when you can safely add them to a tank.
Thanks for the info but the closest petco is over an hour drive from where I live. It wouldn't really be worth it to drive all the way there for it.

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