Previously Going, Now Went Marine

ah thats an idea :good: i'm going to do just that since i am currently in need of salt water now.

just a question kj23502, how's your 29g tank? the journal stopped halfway :(
Long story short here;

Mg is required to keep KH levels stable.

KH is required to keep Ca levels stable.

Mg is required to keep Ca levels stable.

If Mg is low and you dose KH, the KH will most likely drop again. Likewise, if you dose Ca with KH low, you will have the Ca drop again. You need to know your Mg readings before you can look to fix the KH and Ca ones. The ballenced suppliments are OK for general maiantanance, but are no good for when levels get towards the dangerously low mark, as they can't hold stable readings after dosing. When using ballenced suppliments for maintanance, you need to keep tabs on the readings and possibly adjust accordingly, as some levels may drop away faster than others for whatever reason.

There is also a possibility that the Ca and KH in your salt mix is low and Mg high, in which case a ballenced suppliment can't help as it will sky the Mg...

All the best
thanks rabbut :) ca and mg levels are balanced again for now after an almost 100% water change (with LFS water) and i'm now using Aquapharm's SeaBalance. i decided this over the whole self balancing of kh/mg/ca which opens me more to the many mistakes i'm making :p

updates so far, the bubble coral is gone. but not because it died. it was sold to another reefer because i couldn't find it a proper placing spot without touching any of my other corals. its my second favorite after my hammer and if a smaller one comes by, it's going to go into the tank.

this was the last shot i took today before the guy came,

It would be a good idea to get in seporate suppliments also. While the suppliment you have is ballenced, consumption does not always remain "typical" and one or other may need individual adjustment from time-to-time :good: That was a nice piece of coral, I bet you were sad to see it go :nod:
since one relies on another like you said, i'm afraid adding up anyone would break up the balance though i do get your point on the individual levels changing at different rates, i'd take note of that thanks :)

remember the unopened branching hammer? i think i've found the cause of it: my yellow tail blue damsel. do damsels harass corals in the first place? i've only heard of them being aggressive to fishes but this guy hovers around my hammer every now and then as though waiting to strike the polyps once they appear! the behavior started perhaps only over the last two weeks. i thought of changing the rockscape and also the position of the hammer but it doesn't change anything (except i freed out ALOT more space which i can imagine my bubble coral sitting in :shout: ).

should i remove the damsel for good? or place him in the QT tank and then reintroduce it
I've never known damsels to attach corals :sad: I'd remove him for good, he's probibly a rogue fish :sad: You can try QT for a couple of weeks and then re-introducing him, but if he starts again, your going to have fun trying to catch him all over again...

All the best
its a reaaally bad thing to have too many caves when catching fishes. the guy's almost impossible to catch (though i did catch him once but accidentally let him slip out and now he's smarter). on another note, i caught a hitchhiker crab using the glass cup method. i think there's still another (larger) one in there which will be baited tonight :shifty:

the pink hammer is gone. another reefer has it now which opens up my coral stocking once more :hyper: going to bring in alot of new ones soon
You may well find that you have to dissmatle the scape to get the damsel out, they are right little s?#@'s to catch once they tweak you are onto them...
updates from the last time round,

- rearranged the rocks
- still unable to catch the blue damsel so i left it there
- did a freshwater dip for my branching hammer which opened them up a tiny bit more
- got 2 hammer frags, a mushroom frag, two feather dusters, another (smaller) toadstool leather and a true turbo snail
- lost two trochus snails soon after the rockscape (which i think to be the reason for their demise somehow)
- bought a 3000l/h wavemaker which was found to be an overkill in the tank so i took it off












excuse the glass cup, its my crab trap during the night time (food would go in of course). the first (older) toadstool has yet to extend its polyps though the smaller one did so until i moved it :lol: it seemed that flow has a lot to do with toadstools and not to much on lighting

bigger toadstool - more light, less flow = didn't open even in a week
smaller toadstool - less light (the bag of cheato is above it), more flow (in the flow from the powerhead) = opened a little after a day.

the tank still has this transparent/whitish strings everywhere coming from the feather duster after i stupidly placed it in the sand. its a chore to clean those up
I like that rock scape. Very open in the middle. Like a channel :D Rock lovers can hang on the sides and open waterish fish can have the middle.
thanks! i'm worried about the dead spots though, especially towards the left side where the rocks are all over each other. maybe i can squeeze a small powerhead in there :lol:

just got moonlights! :yahoo: it turned out better then i thought and there wasn't really any spotlight effect. all thats left now is a proper mount :unsure:
took out the camera. i still can't get the colors out on photo somehow :angry: but here goes,














what changed from the last time,

- did another rescape
- got a huuuge hammer and another bubble


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