comfortably numb
im just returning to the hobby and although im not a newbie fish keeper , i have never done pressurised co2 and planted tanks . im picking up a roma 125 on friday and once cycled etc i will be setting it up pressurised and planted . probably in the region of 1.5 to 2 wpg, planted with easy to grow stem plants , crypts etc and dwarf hairgrass or similar . filtered by a fluval u4 and extra turnover provided by a 1200 LPH powerhead , ei dosing ferts.
setup/running costs being the primary concern here . the trouble is i have no idea how long ( assuming optimal diffusion , no leaks etc ) a co2 bottle of a given size will last . ideally i would like to avoid going fire extinguisher , but if thats the best option i would consider it . any decent kits etc ?
setup/running costs being the primary concern here . the trouble is i have no idea how long ( assuming optimal diffusion , no leaks etc ) a co2 bottle of a given size will last . ideally i would like to avoid going fire extinguisher , but if thats the best option i would consider it . any decent kits etc ?