Pregnant Tetra


New Member
Mar 17, 2008
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I was wondering what I should do for my pregnant tetra. She is ready to burst .I bought a breeder box today but she seems to be too big for it and was swimming sideways in it. So I released her. I'm afraid she will have her babies and they will be eaten. What do I do?
I was wondering what I should do for my pregnant tetra. She is ready to burst .I bought a breeder box today but she seems to be too big for it and was swimming sideways in it. So I released her. I'm afraid she will have her babies and they will be eaten. What do I do?

What kind of tetra is it?

As far as i know, Tetras are egg layers, they dont have live birth, hence the breeder box is useless.

Tetras can also get very big if you are overfeeding them... I used to have a black phantom tetra that got pritty fat and her stomic was buldging, making her look like she was pregnant... but it was caused by constapation... which was caused by overfeeding.

Tetras normaly lay their eggs on the gravel, and decorations (atleast i think)....

Also, how many tetras do you have in your tank? Do you know if you have males and females? Im not very familular with breeding tetras, so i think someone who knows a little more than me, should be able to anwser your questions better than me.

P.S. If you find out it is caused by constapation, try boiling some peas, then squeese the inside of the peas into the aquarium... last i knew, this helps constapation.
female tetras lay eggs and need to be in the company of a male tetra to do so. The males display to the females and then the pair will swim off into some plants and scatter the eggs and sperm thru the plants. This is one reason why tetras must be kept in groups.
If you have a group of the same tetra and one has suddenly developed a really fat belly then it could have internal problems.

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