Poss. gravid tetra?


New Member
Mar 14, 2021
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Hello everyone! I’ve got a question... I have a black skirt tetra that I think is just carrying eggs but wanted other opinions. She is one of 6 fish I rescued from horrible conditions. Subsequently she was treated for parasites, fungal, and bacterial infections right after acquiring her. She seems to be thriving now along with all of my other fish. She swims well, decent color, eats great, etc but she has been bloated like this for at least 8 weeks now if not a bit longer. From what I read online they can get bloated with eggs and either A. Will lay them eventually as I do have males in the tank, or B. Will just resorb them eventually. I just have no idea how long is a reasonable time for her to be plumped up and carrying eggs around or when it becomes a problem. I’m also worried that if I’m wrong and she isn’t gravid I’m missing something I need to treat. I’ll attach a few pictures I got of her today (I apologize if they aren’t the best).

Water parameters:
Ph 8.5
Ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
Nitrate 40 ppm
Gh 0-30 ppm (VERY soft)
Alkalinity is high so very stable ph
Temp 80•F
The tank is lightly planted with full spectrum lighting.
My water is my tap water treated with prime

Flake and bloodworms AM
Micro pellets PM
Tubifex worms 1-2 times weekly

Let me know what you guys think! Thanks in advance!


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Honestly I think it might be eggs and it isn’t something to treat. Maybe contact a breeder and see how long it usually takes for them to lay eggs.
Thank you! Do you have suggestions on how to contact a breeder?
This is what @Colin_T said about breeding Tetras:

“Glass bloodfins and neon tetras are egg scatterers. They are best bred in single prs in an 18-24 inch long tank. The pr swim into fine leaf plants like Java Moss and scatter eggs in that. They continue doing this until the female has expelled all her eggs, then they swim off.

Virtually all tetras breed in very soft acid water (pH below 7.0 and GH below 50ppm (GH 0ppm is ideal for most South American tetras and is required for cardinal tetras).

Tetra eggs are light sensitive and need to be kept in the dark while they are developing.”

I assume that it would be the same with BST’s.
This is what @Colin_T said about breeding Tetras:

“Glass bloodfins and neon tetras are egg scatterers. They are best bred in single prs in an 18-24 inch long tank. The pr swim into fine leaf plants like Java Moss and scatter eggs in that. They continue doing this until the female has expelled all her eggs, then they swim off.

Virtually all tetras breed in very soft acid water (pH below 7.0 and GH below 50ppm (GH 0ppm is ideal for most South American tetras and is required for cardinal tetras).

Tetra eggs are light sensitive and need to be kept in the dark while they are developing.”

I assume that it would be the same with BST’s.
Yes! I had seen and read this. I assume my ph is too high for them to want to lay (which is fine because I don’t want to breed) and presume if she does the eggs will just get eaten/die not develop. That’s why I figure she will just re-absorb them eventually. Just not sure how long is too long for one or the other to happen.

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