Please Share Your Stories :d

Lots of ghost activity at my house. A month or so back, me and my Dad were driving to see my grandparents in a smaller town about 2 1/2 hours away from where we live. At around 8:00 or so, we were going past this river bed, which is hill like. As we got to the top of the hill, we saw this bright light moving across the sky, quite low flying, maybe 60 or 70 stories up, roughly the size of a car. It was way too quick to be a plane, and not blinking, and way too low to be a satellite. It was moving vertically away from the river bed. You could almost see some definition on it, like small parts around the ship where not light up like the majority of it. We watched it for a few seconds, and then the lights went out on it. You could still see it moving in the darkness for a second or two after the lights when out, and then we couldn't spot it again.
i dont know how paranormal this was.. but very very weird... i was on a walk one night last summer and i was approaching a corner and in the shadow i could see that shape of what i thought was a cats head.. i could see the ears and head but not much of the body, it wasnt a very catlike sit that it was doing.. more of a prairie dog sit.. it was sitting upright.. i saw it and slowed my pace approaching it slowly (i wanted to pet it) i made a noise.. the kissy nosie i use to call cats.. and it dove away what looked like under the curb on the street corner.. i got to the corner and looked it the sewer (which was where it took off to but i couldent possably have fit into this sewer) i looked arround quickly and shined a light into the sewer.. nothing.. it was compleatly gone.. nowhere arround and never saw what it really was.. a cat.. a dog.. whatever.. my brother told me a river rat (we get pretty huge rats in pittsburgh) but its shadow was not that of a rat.. frankly not that of any creature i'd ever seen.. spooky
Well........True Story No 1.

Back in the winter of 1963 (which was a very cold snowy one by English standards) My parents rented a little house in Staffordshire. My Mum was pregnant with me at the time. and it was just what they were looking for. They were both very happy there, except for a few "strange" occurrences.

My Dad worked quite long hours, and so Mum was there alone a lot of the time. She tells me that she could always hear the sounds of walking along the corridors, and up the stairs, Mum is quite matter of fact and did not let this trouble her. (although my dad confirmed that he too had heard these sounds and there was no obvious explanation).

One afternoon Mum was taking a nap (not long before I was due). Suddenly mum "felt" that she wasn't alone. She opened her eyes and turned to look towards the door. Standing there was a woman, dressed like a housekeeper (of the older days) The "woman" stood and watched my Mum for a few minutes, Mum was completely speechless and just stared back open-mouthed. The figure then turned and walked out of the room. After what seemed an eternity (but was probably only a few seconds) Mum jumped up to find this intruder, she looked everywhere, checking all of the doors and windows, everything was locked, and Mum never found out who the "apparition" was. After that Mum asked questions in the neighbourhood, and was told no-one ever stayed in the house for very long. There had been numerous accounts of strange goings on.
I got abducted by something resembling the grim reaper but without the sickle thing he carries. I used to fight them all the time when I was sleeping. Then one night they got me and tried to carry me off to a big white ball of light. I struggled, said I wasn't ready yet, and got free. I woke up and my heart was going at about 200 beats a minute and I felt really weird.
I also used to wake up with blood all over my face and bed. Sometimes I would have big scratches on my body. I even had ripped sheets. The docs don't think anything is wrong with me but something is going on at night. So now I sleep with the light on and a couple of big dogs in my room. It seems to help but only time will tell.
And no I don't take drugs or drink alcohol :)

You need an insurance policy :nod:

i live with my grandma, my mom bought a house, when i first moved in my room was close to hers. i had many many things dissappear!! and i WASNT loosing the stuff. it was completley vanishing from my room!! i play with it one second i leave to get food, go to the bathroom, come back the stuff is gone!!

i told my mom and she said that i misplaced it. but i know i didnt.

i moved my room into the basement, a lot larger. and found everything in there!! it was stuck behind a beam!!

the beam dosent show any more because they made the basement storage room into my room. but it was like a tile wall with wooden beams going vertically and horizontally.


the other thing is that accross the street i go into the woods and look for plants. but i always feel that i am being watched...

and i hear stuff and run out scared to death!!
Colin, wow... you need to set up a video camera in your room! Start recording while you sleep so you can see what's going on.

Hmm.. lets see... stories, stories...
When I was around 10 or so, I used to spend the night at my cousin's house a lot. Her room was usually pitch black and I would often hear sounds in the house.
Such as.... someone walking up and down the stairs, and up and down the hallway. Something in her closet running something along the closet door.
I'd often try to wake her up by kicking her, but she was a heavy sleeper rofl.

In the house I grew up in, I'd often hear heavy footsteps in the attic which was impossible b/c the attic was full of junk and you had to crawl in it.
I'd always get the feeling like I was being watched from something in the house whenever I was outside playing. Just that awful creepy feeling... I'd get so freaked out, that I would take my shoes and run to the curb to put them on.
I used to see these little dwarf things in dirty brown robes. Only saw them 3 times. This was all when I was pretty young though so the dwarf things could've just been from an overactive imagination lol.

When I was 16, I went to live with my best friend and her family (long story). The house they had was VERY haunted.
Whenever our friends came over, we would all sit out in the driveway so we wouldn't disturb my BFs mom while she slept. And we would always hear the garage door open and close constantly.
I was sitting on the couch one day watching tv. And I clearly heard one of my friends named Sam come in to the house, and saw her from the corner of my eye and HEARD her say "What's up!" I was in the middle of saying "Hey" until I realized that Sam was in Korea at the time and there was no one there.
The house was located at the end of a cul de sac... I'd often see at night, shadowy figures walking down the street only to disappear behind trees and not reappear.
I didn't see this, b/c I was inside, but a few friends that were outside in the driveway said they saw red eyes peeking out from behind some curtains.

An apartment I used to live in... my tv would turn on by itself and would stay on (even with my bashing in the on/off button) until I had to unplug it. My stereo would come on by itself as well. It had a 4 cd change thing in it. And it would only play certain cds. I thought at first that it was only certain spots that were broken or something, but nope.. I could move the cd to any 1 of the 4 spots, and it would go straight to it and play only that cd.

The house my brother and his family is haunted. I've never experienced anything there, but they've told me a couple things that have happened.
Like when they were in their computer room. Both of them heard a very loud sigh in the room. Neither of them had did it, and their kids were in bed.
They often hear their younger daughter talking to no one. And my brother has said that he's seen someone walking down the hallway.
My stereo would come on by itself as well. It had a 4 cd change thing in it. And it would only play certain cds. I thought at first that it was only certain spots that were broken or something, but nope.. I could move the cd to any 1 of the 4 spots, and it would go straight to it and play only that cd.

WOW! When i still stayed in my mum's house mine used to do that too !! But when i moved out it's never done that in my own house ! Lot's of freaky stuff used to happen in her house .Some of my mates had came up to have a lil drink and just chill out me and my mate went into the kitchen to get glasses which were on the cupboard at the far away wall we left it open to come back and get more .When we returned that cupboard was shut but the one adjacent to it was wide open ! We both just looked at each other knowing we were the last ones in the room and had left it open !

We had a cupboard in the downstairs hall and if you went past the light was normally on so you'd turn it off on way to the kitchen'd then leave the kitchen only to find the light back on. This happened many a time when i was in the house alone !

And the last one was when me my mum and her partner were sitting watching tv .My mum had these little fake ice cube candle holders sitting on top . One of them shot up about 2-3ft off the top of the tv then flew diagonally into the middle of the floor ! Me and my mum just looked at each other like #### ! he bf didn't see a thing ! Said we were lying !

We were told the old guy had died in the house so when anything happens we just tell him to beat it ! or give back whatevers went missing it normally re-appears shortly after!
I have had a few after all my house was built in 1730's and then in the 1760's converted into a health spa for the ill and rich. They would bathe in the spa waters that come into the basement hoping to cure there otherwise incurable diseases.

Everyone who stays in the guest bedrooms over the kitchen says that in the middle of the night they here a little girl giggling and bouncing a ball running between the drawing room (nearest carpeted area) and round the wooden floored hall in the early hours of the morning. People who have never known each other keep telling us very similar stories about that. Personally never heard it from my rooms above the hall but then again I have never stayed in the bedrooms above the kitchen.

About 4 times so far a door will slam whilst were watching tv sounding like the backdoor, before my dog passed away she would get really twitchy whenever this happened and would follow you to investigate but only at 3 metres or so behind you and no closer. The strange thing is that this normally happens quite late at night, so the backdoor is invariably locked and none of the doors in the vicinity of there are closed when you do investigate.

One of my ghosts I am fairly sure loves the horse racing, several times I have been watching a program press pause on sky to go get a drink come back and its on channel 245 and every time its when the horse racing is on.

I have gone to bed before a couple of times could swear I turned off all the lights and the tv in that side of the house. Just about to walk upstairs to bed and here talking so I turn back on the hall light walk round to the tv room where the talking is coming from and the lights, lamp, gas fire, sky and tv are on of their own accord with the tv being the obvious culprit for the talking I hope.

Lived in this house for 15 years and nothing supernatural has ever harmed me therefore I do not fear whatever shares this house with us.
OO I remember when I was 17. I drove down to Alabama with my best friend to see a cousin of mine. We all went on a short road trip and stayed at another friends house for a few hours. Just to rest up.
Well the 3 of us were laying in the bedroom on the same matress... and all 3 of us had something happen to us.
For me, I was on the outter edge.. it felt like someone had come up behind me to spoon. It also felt like someone was rubbing a finger up and down my leg, and like someone was tugging at my shoelaces and shoes (yes I still had shoes on lol).
My cousin reported something similar, and friend said it just felt like something was tugging at her legs.

I wish I could remember some more stories. Been told a bunch and have had a bunch happen to myself. It all escapes me atm though. If I remember any more I'll come back and report it :)

well if u must know, when i was in kindergarten, we lived in this rented basementn of a house. on my way back to my home i found a card on the floor. Memory cant recall what kind but i do remember it was the "fad" back in the day. and no it wasnt a pokemon. :p anyways i bring the card home and on the same night while my family was in a bedroom i step out and close the door and at the far end of the hallway i see this black cat walk into the center of the door frame. sit look at me intently and the walk to the other side. i was very happy( i wanted a cat back in the day) so i ran into the room, i looked everywhere but i never saw a trace of that cat again. i told my mother and she got mad and told be to rip the card and throw it away. i did. it was only later on as i grew older that i found out about cats and all that spooky stuff. I had just thought a cat slipped into the house. :/

oh and this didnt happen to me but it happend to my cousin who lived in the same house. He went to the same school, and on his way home, he too found an strange object. it was some kind of egyption thingy ma bob, with a messed up face. i dont recall it cuz i was small, 1-2 years back then O.O , anyways when he brought it home, every consecutive night, his brother would wake up screaming in the night and would be crying horribly. my grandmother told my cousin to throw the statue away but he didnt want to, so we ended up burying it in the back yard, practically nothing grows there now...

this isnt creepy but its still supernatural, one day my mom was home alone, she ws in the basement and was washing the clothes when all of a sudden she feels this gust of wind as if somthing ran really fast past her. she got startled but thats about it.. yea..

this other time i dont know if its supernatural or not, or maybe it was me, but i was on my bed sleeping and the door was open a bit. i could see the stair way railing and the end of the railing turned into a deforemed brown hand( my railings brown) , i blinked several times to make sure i wasnt dreaming or hallucinating, but it didnt go away. i went to sleep and the next day i woke up and forgot about it. :p

anyways thats all my wierd experiances in life... so far, im not that old :p so u can see, chalk full of not so nice paranormal fun :(

and unlike you saltynay, iv had all bad experiences :(

this was a really serious one. One night my mom just had me and i had just coem from the hospital. we were lying in bed and my gradngmother was in another room. suddenly my grandmother "felt" this evil intent and she started praying feverishly, both my mom and my grandmother heeard somthing large and heavy with claws tapping the floor, a sickly odor,( she said she never smelt anything so horrible before), move from my grandmothers room to the room where i and my mom were. i was asleep but my when my mom heard it she also started praying really hard. no one dared turn around to look( the doors were open at the time, we never close our doors :p) but my mom and my grandmother heard the thing walk back and forth in the hallway trying to enter the rooms but stopping each time. eventually my mom said it took a long time, the thing left and after that my grandmother told my mom never to leave me alone in a room. shortly after, she went back to her homeland and passed away. :'(

btw i live in the city o_O, i thought these things happened in rural areas. :S
when i was like 6 i woke up cryin my eyes out, then on the wall it appeared as a black banshee face, my mum woke up and came in my room, she too looked at the wall where i was pointing, she saw something very very VERY faded but i could see it strongly and clear, i get the chills even writing about it here!!!!!

When my mum was young, she suddenly woke up and there appeared a 12 or so year old girl, with a dressing goune on, my mum wasnt even scared it was like she expected it to come, it walked straight through the wall at the other side

in that house my mum saw that ghostly thing a girl who lived there 200 years ago (i forgot to mention it was one of those 1800's cottages) a 12 year old girl died of TB!!
About 4 years ago, I was watching my brother and sister, and I knew my parents weren't going to be home until late. My siblings and I were upstairs, and my dog was in the basement. Anyhow, I heard the garage door open and the laundry room door (one of the enterances to my hosue) open, so I go to the laundry room to say "hi" to them and to go to bed, but when I got there, there was nothing. I thought to myself I imagined it, so I went back upstairs. About 10 minutes later, the same thing. Only I heard footsteps in the laundry room. I went down there, only to find nothing again. I went downstairs to make sure the dog didn't escape, but he was sleeping in his bed. So I go back upstairs. Half an hour passes before something else happens again. Same thing, except the footsteps went all the way into our kitchen, and I heard one of the cupboard doors open, than slam shut. I asked my brother if he heard the same thing, I wanted to make sure I wasn't imagining stuff. He said he did. So we sat at the window, just waiting for my parents to come home. After looking out the window for quite some time, we see our dog, running outside in our frontyard! We ran downstairs only to find my parents were home. We didn't see a car pull into the driveway at all.

I still have no idea how this happened, I just remember how freaky it was.
Hmm, to make an extremely long story short, my friend had a possessed doll, and man, was it scary. Would move all the time, sometimes the ghost would come out of it and make noises in the house, knock on cabinets, sigh, etc.

I am terrified to look at a doll now.

I'll come back with the full story tonight.

EDIT: Okay, here goes:
(be ready to read a very LONG story...)
Okay, it all started when I got a phone call from my friend saying that her house was haunted. She was like, on the phone, "Steph, I'm so creeped out! Me and my cousin were watching TV, and all of a sudden, it started turning on and off, on and off! The remote was on the other couch, and there was no power failure or anything!"
Well, okay, I believed in ghosts, but that friend had a way of making things up in her head to scare herself.

But then when she told me that her and her mom heard banging at the door one night, and nobody was there, I started getting a little suspicious.

So we (my brother and I) went to her house one night for a sleepover, and we were sitting on her swingset late at night when all of a sudden, we heard this, "Yoo Hoo, Yee Hoo!". I thought it was my friend, so I asked her, but she thought it was me! We went to investigate, but found nothing.

A couple weeks later, we went for another sleepover. That was when I discovered "the doll". It was a replica of a 2 year old child that her great uncle gave her, and the doll was over 70 years old. That morning, we got ourselves locked out of the house, (don't ask :blush: ) and we couldn't get in until her mom got home for work, which would be over 5 hours. So while we were outside, we kept feeling like someone was watching us, so we decided to hang out at one of her neighbour's houses'. Coincidentally, only one of her many neighbours was home that day, so we locked Sadie (her dog) in the yard, and left to go to her neighbour's house. While we were watching TV and talking, I casually looked out the window and saw Sadie walking down the street! We freaked out, ran back to her house with Sadie, and locked her back in the yard. It is still a mystery how she got out. We went back to our friend's neighbour's house, and hung out a bit longer. We all figured that we should check on Sadie to see if she escaped again, but she was still there, only barking frantically and pinning herself as far away from the sunroom as possible. The scary part was, we all of a sudden hear these very clear voices coming from her sunroom. It sounded like two little girls talking, but it wasn't words. It was weird sounds, like, "hummannahuhmaanaa" It was SUPER creepy! And there was nothing in the sunroom! :blink:

I got a call from the same friend one night, and she said, sounding serious, "Steph, you know that doll that my great uncle gave me?"
"Yes of course... What about it?"
"It's possessed!"

I did not believe in things getting possessed. I had to see for myself.

I went to her house with my brother a week or so after the convo on the phone, and we put the doll in the guest bedroom of her house, in pitched black, w/ only a flashlight shining on it. Sure enough, it started moving. We were joking about the doll attacking my bro, and then he got creeped out, so he moved behind us, sure enough, the doll's eyes followed him.... :crazy:

Let's just say we got outta' that room pretty quick.

Okay, so here's my theory: every time the doll is possessed, it looks at you with an evil look in its eyes. Every time it's not, it stares into space. The reason why I think this is because, once we went into the spare room, but we felt strangely comforted by the doll, when normally we can't even stand beside it w/o being scared crapless. It was staring into space. We left the room, and heard a loud *sigh* coming from the corner of the basement.

We went upstairs, searched up doll possessions, and what it said on the site made the whole situation make sense. We went into our friend's mom's room to get a flashlight, when all of a sudden, the hatches on a bureau started moving by themselves and made a creepy song. It sounded kinda' like jungle drums. I just about crapped my pants.

After all of that we locked the doll in the shed and then sold it to an antique shop. lol :lol: (probably not the smartest thing to do.)

But I still get reports from that same friend 2 years later about creepy stuff going on in her house. eek! :crazy:

May not sound scary, but when you're 11 years old, it can be... :blush: (that was 2 years ago though...)

Thanks for reading! :good:

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