Please help! Platy with mild dropsy, white fungus on head and body, bloating, clear/stringy poo


New Member
Dec 8, 2017
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I'm absolutely at a loss for what to do here, and I'd really appreciate any advice you guys can give me.

Tank size: 23 gallons
pH: No test kit
ammonia: 0
nitrite: No test kit
nitrate: 0
kH: 3-4
gH: No test kit
tank temp: 26 degrees Celsius (78.8 degrees Fahrenheit)

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
  • Slight raising of scales on the body (30-45 degree angle)
  • Two white mounds on top of head
  • Many smaller white spots on body
  • Very clear, thing poo; to the point of being invisible
  • Hiding all day but coming up to eat
  • Gasping

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 50% weekly

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
  • This disease has affected multiple fish in the tank, although they only had a single white spot and clear poo, and are now mostly healthy. I used general parasite medication to treat them.
  • I used another round of the same medication when the fish I'm asking for help about took a turn for the worse.
  • I've used a few tablespoons of aquarium salt over the course of about a week.
  • I used 7mLs of kH raiser a few days ago

Tank inhabitants:
  • 20-30 platys (I have a lot of fry right now so I can't really count)

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
  • None

Exposure to chemicals:
  • Two rounds of general parasite medication
  • A few tablespoons of aquarium salt
  • A small amount (7mLs) of kH raiser

Digital photo (include if possible):
I would say maybe its some flukeworms or Ick because of the white spots .Also try to keep a product called PraziPro Works wonders on parasites along with metronidazole if things go south but send a picture
I would say maybe its some flukeworms or Ick because of the white spots .Also try to keep a product called PraziPro Works wonders on parasites along with metronidazole if things go south but send a picture
I've already medicated for parasites and it did nothing. Someone on another forum said that it might be cottonmouth and recommended me some meds for that. They've had more effect - the scales have flattened and several of the white spots on his body are gone (there are still plenty on his head). He's gone from sitting at the bottom of the tank all day to the top - idk if that's an improvement or not.
I would say the white spots are ick. maybe he also has some fungus infection. I use to have platys but every one that i had would die from bloat or from fungus and would end up dying. I stoped getting platys and moved on to mollys that would get ick or jump out of the tank. I currently have guppies and a lid so they wont jump out.

A suggestion for how to treat this could be the following....
-Tetra lifeguard all-in-one treatment- treats a broad range of diseases (bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic and ick)
-API products- this is a good brand that has good treatments

petsmart or petco is where you can get them
I would say the white spots are ick. maybe he also has some fungus infection. I use to have platys but every one that i had would die from bloat or from fungus and would end up dying. I stoped getting platys and moved on to mollys that would get ick or jump out of the tank. I currently have guppies and a lid so they wont jump out.

A suggestion for how to treat this could be the following....
-Tetra lifeguard all-in-one treatment- treats a broad range of diseases (bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic and ick)
-API products- this is a good brand that has good treatments

petsmart or petco is where you can get them
Thanks for the advice, but unfortunately he died not long after I made the post :( I suppose it's for the best, he looked like he was suffering and I don't think I could have done more to save him.

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