Fish Fanatic
In short, my question is what plants could I keep in a brackish tank (with a salinity level of 1.008 sg) with aragonite sand and a fish that digs? What about plants that red-claw crabs can't destroy? Semi-aquatic plants?
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I currently have a 6.5" or so Violet Goby (Dragon Goby) in a 29g brackish tank with a salinity level of 1.006 sg, though my goal is 1.008. I am still in the process of raising the salinity, as he was originally kept in freshwater and I do not want to shock him. In a few months from now, I am going to upgrade him to a larger tank, probably either a 40g or 55g depending on what I can find. When I was researching violet gobies a while back, I found that they dig around a lot (put lightly, more like redecorate) and require sand to eat properly. I have him in a tank with aragonite sand covering the bottom, and 2 large planters lying on their sides in it because I thought he might use them as hides.. Within the first day of being in the tank, he dug out underneath the largest planter, and he lives in there now, using 4 different entrance and exit holes to come out for food. He never really does anything else, very rarely he will come out and swim around the tank for a few minutes before going back into his burrow. The only reason he comes out is if i'm cleaning the tank (he chases the vacuum), or when I make too much noise near the tank. When anyone sees it, they always ask me why I have an empty tank set up with nothing in it. When I upgrade him to a larger tank, I am going to try to get some other brackish fish or invertebrates to keep with him, and I figure I should try to plant the tank as well so it looks less barren. One thing I was considering keeping are red claw crabs, though I have heard they will rip most plants up. Are there any that can withstand salt and could possibly survive a little abuse? What if I sloped up the tank on one side, maybe mixed the top with peat and eco earth (i'm not sure what yet) and then added some semi-aquatic plants and made a small terrestrial area for the crabs? Are there some plants I could keep in that section, partially in the water, that will handle the salinity? I could possible find some other small terrestrial fern or the like to put in the upper area, but I would have to be sure it is safe if it gets nibbled on.
More details...
I currently have a 6.5" or so Violet Goby (Dragon Goby) in a 29g brackish tank with a salinity level of 1.006 sg, though my goal is 1.008. I am still in the process of raising the salinity, as he was originally kept in freshwater and I do not want to shock him. In a few months from now, I am going to upgrade him to a larger tank, probably either a 40g or 55g depending on what I can find. When I was researching violet gobies a while back, I found that they dig around a lot (put lightly, more like redecorate) and require sand to eat properly. I have him in a tank with aragonite sand covering the bottom, and 2 large planters lying on their sides in it because I thought he might use them as hides.. Within the first day of being in the tank, he dug out underneath the largest planter, and he lives in there now, using 4 different entrance and exit holes to come out for food. He never really does anything else, very rarely he will come out and swim around the tank for a few minutes before going back into his burrow. The only reason he comes out is if i'm cleaning the tank (he chases the vacuum), or when I make too much noise near the tank. When anyone sees it, they always ask me why I have an empty tank set up with nothing in it. When I upgrade him to a larger tank, I am going to try to get some other brackish fish or invertebrates to keep with him, and I figure I should try to plant the tank as well so it looks less barren. One thing I was considering keeping are red claw crabs, though I have heard they will rip most plants up. Are there any that can withstand salt and could possibly survive a little abuse? What if I sloped up the tank on one side, maybe mixed the top with peat and eco earth (i'm not sure what yet) and then added some semi-aquatic plants and made a small terrestrial area for the crabs? Are there some plants I could keep in that section, partially in the water, that will handle the salinity? I could possible find some other small terrestrial fern or the like to put in the upper area, but I would have to be sure it is safe if it gets nibbled on.