violet goby

  1. MadameFizzgig

    Erratic Behavior - Please Help?

    I have a violet Goby who is typically very calm and usually hangs out on the bottom of the tank. However, lately he's been swimming back and forth across the tank, going to the bottom and then coming back up in a circular pattern.   I've added prime to the water, and stress guard, and his SG is...
  2. MadameFizzgig

    Violet Goby And Tank - Sand Newly Added!

    Hi everyone, newbie fish owner here.  Several months ago, I rescued my violet goby Houdini from his previous home (which was horrible). He's been doing much better since then, though I had him living on gravel for a few months. Finally, I was able to change the gravel and get him some sand. I...
  3. MadameFizzgig

    Is Beach Sand Safe To Use In A Brackish Tank?

    Hi everyone, I've posted here a few times and have yet another question.    Currently, my violet goby that I rescued a few months ago is doing a billion times better than he was when I rescued him. He has been living on a gravel substrate, which I know is not ideal, so I'd like to switch it to...
  4. MadameFizzgig

    How To Travel With A Fish?

    I'll soon be heading home from college, which is about a 16 hour drive. My LFS said that I could bag my violet goby as long as I made sure that there was enough air in the bag for him during the trip. I'm not sure I want to do that, because I think it will stress him out a lot.    If he's going...
  5. MadameFizzgig

    Does My Violet Goby Look Like He's Doing Okay?

    Hi guys,   My violet goby was displaying some signs of ammonia poisoning, but I've been working pretty hard to combat that. I think he's doing much better now, and hasn't been going to the surface anymore. He's also eating regularly. I recently took this video of him, does he look like he's...
  6. MadameFizzgig

    How Much Should I Be Feeding My Violet Goby?

    He's a really good eater, he eats nearly everything I give him. Because he seems so voracious, I wonder if I'm not feeding him enough (plus he's pretty active). He's about 4in long and he's the only fish in the tank.   He seems to like shrimp pellets best (though I do give him algae wafers less...
  7. MadameFizzgig

    Quickly Cycle A Tank To Combat Ammonia Poisoning - How?!

    Alright, I made a post a few days ago regarding my violet goby and he seems to now be showing signs of ammonia poisoning. I had him in an uncycled tank. I've done 2 25% water changes so far and attempted to add one of those fizzy ammonia tabs to lower the levels, but no luck. He's still gasping...
  8. K

    Sick Dragon Fish/violet Goby?

    Hi everyone, I'm new here but before I post in the introductions section I have a sort of emergency question about my fish.   I've had two violet gobies, a.k.a. dragon fish for about 6 weeks now. I bought them from Walmart and wasn't sure if they would even survive the night considering the...
  9. Doomchibi

    Plants In A Brackish Tank With Aragonite Sand?

    In short, my question is what plants could I keep in a brackish tank (with a salinity level of 1.008 sg) with aragonite sand and a fish that digs? What about plants that red-claw crabs can't destroy? Semi-aquatic plants?   More details...   I currently have a 6.5" or so Violet Goby (Dragon Goby)...
  10. BamBeckham

    Tell Me The Name Of This Violet Goby

    I'm new with this DragonFish(Violet Goby) things.   Can anyone tell me what is the specific name of my DragonFish Goby here? Looks like it is quite different with the others when I search in the internet. Most of them have terror & fierce faces.     I bought it last week & put her into my 25L...
  11. BamBeckham

    Hi, I'm Newbie Here...

      Hi guys,   I'm Bam from Malaysia. I just newbie here & also just began playing with Dragonfish (Violet Goby). I have 1 DragonFish just bought it last Saturday. I'm not sure what gender it is but I like call it "she". ;-)   I put her in my small tank (5liter) together with my Black Ghost Fish...