Plants For A Tank With Goldfish

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Feb 5, 2014
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this is my first time with a aquarium. i have a 4'x2'x2' tank, which is 450 liter of size. i have two goldfishes in my tank. now i am planning to have a few live plants. i have selected these plants - anubias nana, ChainSword - Narrow Leaf, Dwarf Sagittaria, cardinal plant, java fern, Ozelot Sword, Water Sprite, Anacharis, Hornwort, Red Foxtail, Brazilian micro sword, Dwarf hairgrass and copragrass.
please let me know if all those above-mentioned plants can be kept in a tank with goldfish. also if you can suggest any other plants which goldfish will not harm, would be helpful.
goldfish will go after any easy to dig up plants and that are finicky/easy to break. 
depending on the fish they will either leave it alone or shred it, so depending on the temperament of the fish it'll be different. you'll have issues with plants like red foxtail, and hair grass most likely. 
if you go with amazon swords you'll most likely have no issues with them.
The Anubias will be fine as will the Java fern, I keep these with my goldfish and he doesn't touch them or my giant vallis, he does however, like a nibble on the hornwort, I think anything planted in the substrate is at risk of being dug up continuously by goldfish as they like to root around, luckily my plants were well established in the substrate before I added my goldfish to the tank.

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