Planted Tanks, Fish, And Caecilian


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
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Hudson, Wisconsin USA
Just some pictures of my tanks and fishies of late. I have to move them all in 1-2 months, oh the joy lol... at least I can get more fish after that :rolleyes: .

55 gallon

garra flavatra

Adult male caecilian, very much asleep.


Boesemani rainbows. Male bottom and female top


Male golden pencilfish

Here is a Short video of my fish trying the impossible and the caecilian showing them how its done.

20 gallon high

kerri tetra and neons

15 gallon. A bit neglected...
that is probably one fish/snake/eel, that my wife would draw the line at keeping.
Absolutely amazing. Your tank is brilliant. And the fish you keep are stunning. Loving the Garra, would love to keep a species of them one day.

Look forward to seeing more pics. :)
Wow, lovely tanks there, get over to the planted section.

P.S. I love Crypts. :)
Nice tank!

But wha a monster ? ! :)

First time I see something like that.

I am in positive shock.
oh my word, I've not seen one of those in a long time, wife would have a fit if she spotted one of those in my tank :D
Loving your tanks. Your garras are awesome!
Loving them, really nicely done!
Same as above my better half would go crazy if she saw one of those in my tank!

The video is awesome it's like he's eating spaghetti!
Very interesting to watch! Not sure I would like one as such.
If they are amphibian where does it go to get out of the water or does it just live in the tank? Hasn't he ever tried to eat any of the other fish - he looks capable that's for sure In fact he looks like he might eat me if he could!!
I just close my eyes and picture the insane root structure those plants must have to hold up to that lovely monster. It would be opposite in my house, my hubby would be drawing the line. :lol:

I love your 20g. Your tanks look like they were full pieces from a river or lake. :good:
EM29: He is a fully aquatic amphibian for the most part. He can come out of the water but prefers not to. The female I use to have was higher strung and would look for a way out as soon as you started doing maintenance on the tank or if something else scared her. That was eventually her undoing. They are blind and rely on scent mainly to find their prey.

As far as eating the fish he certainly could since he has them all believing he is harmless and they give him little to no space when he is eating. While they can be fish eaters they are more scavengers unless starved to the point where they will try to tackle a living fish. Fish are hard enough to catch when you can see them and I assume harder when you can't. He has never touched his tankmates, sometimes to the point where I talk to him about not having such high standards :rolleyes: . He will pretty much eat anything BUT his tankmates or dry food. Doesn't matter if his tankmates are alive or have died he won't eat them. But toss a bunch of chopped up raw fish in there and its pretty much inhaled.

FishFanatic: What insane root structure :lol: Then the crypts say, "So you just want to pull ONE of us up :huh:?"

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