Planted Tank Pics


Fish Crazy
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Hey all.... I just need some inspiration for my new tank I am going to get. Can anyone post pictures of medium to heavy planted tanks? I have 4 fancy goldfish right now and in a few months, going to sell them and put some neon tetras in the tank.

Any help would be appreciated :D
Here's mine, if you need some starter tips, feel free to ask.


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Very nice tank, Konrad! :hyper: But now that you posted it here, I'm afarid I'm gonna ask you name the plants and where they are in the tank (for those unfamiliar with the names). :blink:

Again, nice tank!

Here's mine and a setup list:

Tank : Juwel Rio 125

Fish : Pair of Silver Angels, 8 Cardinal Tetras, 8 Rummynose Tetras, 5 Otos, 2 Cory Julii, 2 Zebra Loach.

Plants : Various Echinodorus, Crypt, Giant Red Vallis, Rotala Indica, Alternanthera Rosaefolia, Limnophila Sessiflora, Eleocharis Acicularis, Nymphaea japonica.

Water : Nitrates <10mg/l, pH 6.7, GH 6, KH 3, Phosphate undetectable, CO2 25 mg/l, Water change 20% per week 50:50 ro/tap with Dennerle fertilisers and additives.

Filtration : Juwel internal, Fluval 204 external filled with bio-media and RowaPhos. Outputs directed to avoid co2 loss. Carbon removed for fertiliser use.

Lighting : 1 x 18" 15w T8 Interpet Triton
1 x 24" 18w T8 Interpet Daylight Plus
1 x 24" 18w T8 Arcadia Freshwater
1 x 30" 25w T8 Dennerle Special-Plant
All with reflectors. 10 hour (5 on 4 off 5 on) photo-period

Substrate : Fine (1 - 3mm) inert gravel with laterite mix.
25W Rena-Cor heater cable, comes on with lights.

CO2 : 2 x Nutrafin Natural Plant System units using supermarket yeast and bi-carb.


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This thread asked for inspiration, so here's one of my favorite planted tank links to a series of beautiful Amano-style aquariums. Hopefully you'll be more inspired and less discouraged than I tend to get (but I can't take my eyes away from them!).

I am also inspired by this thread (to go out and steal konrad05 and gf225's tanks. :p Beautiful work!).
Very nice tank, Konrad! But now that you posted it here, I'm afarid I'm gonna ask you name the plants and where they are in the tank (for those unfamiliar with the names).

Again, nice tank!


lol thanks, alright here's the setup.

-2x2L bottles of yeast CO2 - bubbles go right into my canister filter and are pretty much dissolved by the time it reaches the impeller
- 160Watts, trichromatic, 10000K, 17000K and natural daylight bulbs
- aquatic soil and fine gravel mixture

back wall - sunset hygro, ludwigia, generic hygro, ludwigia natan, some type of lotus (taking over), amazon sword on the left
front - tenellus, banana plants, lobellas, cyperus helferi, some vals and other plants I forgot the name of.

tank's camera shy . . . I'm not done furnishing :D

But here's an above shot


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