Planted Betta Tank

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Feb 4, 2014
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So I have a 60 gallon freshwater tank I'm taking down but decided I wanted to keep some of my live plants that I'm kinda attached to lol. And since I didn't want to set up anything huge but still have a cool fish and tank to watch I decided to do a betta tank.
What I have is a 10 gallon standard glass aquarium. I painted the back black with some acrylic paint and stacked up some shale rock I had laying around. I also tried something new a sand waterfall. I've never done one and I'm still tweaking it to get just right but I'm pleased with the overall look of it.

The water is a bit cloudy still from fill up and the light on there is just so I could get a pic ultramitly the tank will have no top on it and I will have Anubis plants all along the top of the rock wall sticking out of the water. I'm still working out lighting but I'm trying to get two pendant style lights to hang down over the tank.

Stocking will consist of a single male betta and some snails to clean any algae growth and clean the sand bed. I'm not going to run a filter on this tank as I'm going to use a ton of live plants and do substantial water changes often.
I'd like to see how you have the sand waterfall setup!  I tried on once and it worked for a while until all the sand was displaced.  It became routine to move the sand daily to keep it working.
  Will be following, and silently drooling...
Yeah I'm still working on the sand getting where it needs to be thing lol.
In my last minutes of having internet (for a few hours....) woo!!! Awsome tank!!!
Still is kinda dirty from me digging in it and adding the plants.
I will be adding more Anubias plants and some Java moss soon.
I'm also going to do a different light set up but have this one on as temporary for the plants.
Thanks BT. Yeah there is a mixture of slate and river rock.
So I had to add a slightly bigger fluval heater because the small 50 watt aqueon heater wasn't cutting it.
I also picked up a nice size ball of Java moss and split it up around the tank I may move it around as time goes on but for now it's sitting in good spots.

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