Pics Of My New Red Dragon Zz *pic Heavy*

Yeh im starting to think i wasted my money on the food, soon find out in a month or so.
I found that frozen supermarket prawns brought the colour out on my thai silk fh. I fed him like 2 prawns 2-3 times a week. He grew like mad too :) not only in body length and depth but the nuchal hump size as well... not only that but a small bag of cheap prawns lasts ages too. As well as them his staple diet was hikari gold cichlid pellets for a week... then nls (new life spectrum) for the next week... then back to hikari and so on. Its important to vary thier diet.

Small frozen fish are also good a couple of times a week. I used smelt. My fh loved them.

Also try frozen bloodworm cubes. Use 1 of these as a treat a couple of times per week. Another things that i found brings out thier colour as well as good growth.
Love this fish, I used to have a archer fish that would jump out of tank to get food of me , I want one, can u not introduce any other fish atall
beechey said:
Love this fish, I used to have a archer fish that would jump out of tank to get food of me , I want one, can u not introduce any other fish atall
nope, flowerhorns are a hybrid of trimac and midas which are in fact cichlids.... solitary keeping for a while can turn them  aggressive 
Lol Rex can't even live with a air line in his tank, he keeps dismantling it, the heater has got a plastic guard over it to, hes a psycho lol, he got my knuckle while changing the water today, drew a bit of blood :p
GShorty1981 said:
Lol Rex can't even live with a air line in his tank, he keeps dismantling it, the heater has got a plastic guard over it to, hes a psycho lol, he got my knuckle while changing the water today, drew a bit of blood :p
The bigger the kok the more aggresive right? Just like midas cichlids?
I'm not sure, Rex's Kok is not huge but he is absolutely savage!
I have upped his waterchanges to 50% per week now to try and promote his growth.
GShorty1981 said:
I have upped his waterchanges to 50% per week now to try and promote his growth.
just be careful that he wont be shocked as it can lead to poor resistance. Well in some cases it does. 
Any updates? How is he doing? :)
Hey have just been letting him grow before i post a update, hes getting much fatter, the Okiko Crystal red was a waist of money tho, it does not work at all.
That stinks, but at least you know now, and I will keep it in mind for when/if I get one. I've absolutely fallen in love with him and would like to have one some day!
Very much looking forward to pics :D
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this thread 
he is such a beautiful fish.
Thanks guys, i'll update with new pics at the end of the month, i want him to be bigger for the new pics :p
I have loved every minute of this thread he is a fantastic companion

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