Pics Of My New Red Dragon Zz *pic Heavy*

Love this fish - he's so clever!  I'd never paid much attention to flowerhorns before I saw your boy, but now I think I want one...sadly I don't have space for the right sized tank.  One day!
Lol thanks :)
I have just bought him 5 packets of this...

Was quite expensive (£28)
Hopefully it will make him more red, anybody had experiences with this food (Okiko Crystal Red)
I was going to buy some Kok enchancer to (Bombie Head/Humpy head etc) but i read elsewhere that it is a rip off and you can't enhance Kok size, its down to genetics.
Ok here some pics taken today, for some reason he is not showing as much red as he used to here, see first pic at top of the thread, i will post up the results of using the 'Okiko Crystal Red' in a few weeks.


Also i measured him today he is

20 centimetres = 7.87401575 inches (including Tail)

16.5 centimetres = 6.49606299 inches (without tail)
Hes grown about 2" since i got him April the 9th 2013
There's nothing wrong with him is there? :(
Looking forward to see if the food works, and he really is quite beautiful. :wub: He's made me want one as well but no room for a big enough tank right now.
I also love that mirror pic. He's like O.O *boop* :lol:
No nothing wrong with him, hes just not as red as he used to be, but i have 500g of the 'Okiko Cyrstal Red' so hopefully that will make him really red, if not at least everyone can see that colour enhancing foods dont work lol
I'm glad he's okay! He's still beautiful though.. :D
This is really weird but Rex's colour has improved and his Kok seems to have grown over night since feeding him the new food :O


I am quite ignorant of this type of fish but it doesn't have something to do with what mood he is in does it? :/
Yeh like all Cichlids they go lighter and darker but the red is brought on by hormones, not a clue on what makes the Kok grow.

I read the Kok shrinks when females are present.
Haha was 'hard' to keep a straight face whilst typing that ;)
Has been a week and 2 days since i started him on his colour enhancement food (Okiko Crystal Red), Been feeding him twice a day, Any Difference yet? he seems to be lighter in colour since feeding him it and his belly is getting fat :p
Pics with Phone



Pics with Camera


I would say a definite no :( however the flash could make Rex look paler in the pics? Just doesn't look any different to me.

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