Pearl Gourami

See the black lines is developing Urs is learly going to be a nice PEARL Hopefully the one u have is starting to get a red throat see the pic below again this was shining light on it so u can see.

Anybody got questions about gouramis dont hesitate to ask especially on KISSING GOURAMIS :D :D :thumbs:
Hi -Chewy-

By the way, Welcome to the forum! :hi:

Your thread is a good one -- very interesting. :thumbs:
Also by the looks of it. It must be around 2 or 2 in a half inches right
man, y'all are SO friendly and helpful! Silver is right, y'all are giving me alot of info.... and i appreciate it alot!! thnx!! :p
My pearl gourami is young one...about 2 inches.... maybe lesser.
As for adrinal's comment, (man, are u observant!) I am using a plastic tank, not a glass, so there are some tiny scratches...
boy, do i feel welcome in this forum.... will continue posting pictures and questions.

Thank you all!!
Hey Silver,
I have checked the internet for some 3 spotted gourami and doesn't really look like mine or yours.... any comment? coz it really doesnt look like a 3 spotted gourami to me :dunno:
Here is a pic of my female pearl :wub:

edit: picture too large :blink:

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