
New Member
Mar 4, 2013
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One of my male betta's I've had for about two weeks has gotten really pale recentley. He has recentley recovered from a case of swim bladder, could that maybe be what's had him lose his color? He's in a divided ten gallon tank, so he gets five gallons, and there is a heater and a filter in the tank. All the parameters are normal. He eats Omega One Natural Protein Formula Betta Buffet pellets, 2 in the morning and 2 at night. Any idea what's up? Should I be worried? Is there any way to bring his color back? Thanks.
What are the water paramters? (pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) Temperature? Water change schedule? (How much & how often) What did you do for the swim bladder?
ph- 7.3
nitrite- 0
nitrate- 0
ammonia- 0
temp- 78-80 degrees
for the swim bladder i stopped feeding him for three days, then fed him a pea (half in the morning half at night)
water change schedule- 25% once a week
Have you got a pic? it's not normal for male bettas to get pale so something is probably up 
top one is today, bottom one is first day home


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You say the temp is 78-80, does it fluctuate between the two temperatures?  Either way I would bump his temperature to 82F and see if that helps any at all.
Is he acting normally? looking at the pic he looks ok if he is acting ok he may be a carrier of the red loss gene which will cause a betta to lose colour overtime this is genetic and will not harm him in anyway although he won't be a vibrant red anymore.
I just wanted to let you all know (Sorry it's been forever) that he seems to have gained some of his color back and is acting completely normal. Thanks for all the help!

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