Opinions On My 'scape


Fish Crazy
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
I was using two desk lamps (40W each) with some interesting results, everythign was very green, no algea but no growth, even the cambomba remained the same hight for a number of months (worked nicly because It made it look like I could grow madagascar lace plants ) But I've finally bought a new light unit (2x 24W T8) and the plants have all shot up! (except the lace plant which died over night pretty much :rolleyes: ) I used two half drain pipes to attach the bulbs because I have no hood (taken from minnnt's puffer set up; thanks!).

I would be greatful to hear what people have to say on the scape and how to improve it. Since getting better lights it would appear I have the red varient of most plants...

The tank is 90L,


the only problem is the back bulb makes the plants appear a bit yellow as it has a pinky cast to it
Your tank looks really lush and healthy. What's that pink-ish colourex plant? What about something in there to hide the filter?
thankyou :D the pinky colour is hygrophillia of some sort, I hadn't realised I had the red variety until I added the lights. I forgot you can't see but there is a tiger lilly thats waiting to grow to cover the filter. Once thats grown in I hope it will cover, if not I'll have to plant something under it
Nice jungle style. A little too wild for my OCD-y tastes. I love the lawn on the left hands side though. :good:

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