Only One Left....

Meggie :)

Fish Addict
Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
Hey everyone! So in my 38 litre...well something happened in it I don't know what....I thought it was velvet but I wasn't completely sure...well anyway, I treated the thing with salt, moved the cories to the empty betta tank while it was being treated...And everything seems to be fine now...But I only have one fish left (minus the cories and shrimp)...One half grown balloon molly left. And I know they do better in groups, but I don't think I want more balloon mollies...So now I don't know what to do. I really want to upgrade the tank to something like a 76 or 114 litres (20-30 us gallons), but I don't know if I can right now..because we are moving, but don't know exactly when yet...I might be able to but I'd have to talk to my mom...

So now what do you think I should do with my 38 litre/10 US gallon tank? With 1 balloon molly, 4 pygmy cories, 4 amano shrimp, 1 assassin...I obviously need more fish in it...Should I do a betta and add a few tetras, maybe harlequin rasboras? Could it get along with the balloon molly? Or should I get something else instead and keep the balloon molly? Or should I wait until the balloon molly dies (however long that is) until I do something else?

Please let me know what you think...I really am discouraged with this tank right now as it's so EMPTY :shout: And it's like the balloon molly keeps trying to swim with the cories because she has no one else...She keeps hovering at the bottom following them around :sad:

And here are a few pictures of the balloon molly for size and color referance (and my hand is really tiny if that helps with size referance..)


And the tank..

Thank you all!
I would recommend returning the Molly to a pet store. Then from there I would personally add a group of one of the smaller tetras, embers, neons or harlequin rasboras. 8-10 should do well. I wouldn't add a Betta, maybe a single honey gourami or if you can find them a trio of clown/rocket killies. Your tank set up looks very nice and I can see why you want more color and activity to go with it.

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