If you generalize a little... what kind of fish do you like???

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Not rare at all, but I think my favourite may be the Rummy Nose Tetra. I love the way they shoal together, their body shape is torpedo like.....it's very cool! And I like that they have pops of colour at both ends :D
Our GSP Dotty was a favourite pet of mine, so much personality, she would come up to the glass to greet you and used to give the most amazing side-eye looks if you disturbed her LOL 😒
I like Tuna, Salmon, Walleye and Herring. With the appropriate setup, they are amazing !

Joking aside... I like Gouramies, Tetras, Rasboras, Cories the most.

The strangest I ever had was a Spotted Gar that grew 15 inches long, it lived 6 years and ate everything, fish, frogs, rats, and lots of crickets... As long as it was live food. I never had a tank that needed that much water changes. But it was a really mean and scary looking fish. I loved him.
I like Tuna, Salmon, Walleye and Herring. With the appropriate setup, they are amazing !

Joking aside... I like Gouramies, Tetras, Rasboras, Cories the most.

The strangest I ever had was a Spotted Gar that grew 15 inches long, it lived 6 years and ate everything, fish, frogs, rats, and lots of crickets... As long as it was live food. I never had a tank that needed that much water changes. But it was a really mean and scary looking fish. I loved him.
I liked your first list best as I am an avid fisherman. I really would like to keep a few warm water gamefish, but they don't tend to do that well in a reasonably sized aquarium.
In the late 80's, with the money we could get... A 8$ rattling bobbit... was worth a try :) not to lose.
Hmm, I'll go with families rather than species. Killifish, Cichlids, Labyrinth fish, wild type livebearers, tetras, Corys, rainbows, blue eyes... I think that just about covers it. Don't ask me to put them in any order though.
Anything I can breed for points in the club! I do have a bias for cichlids based on my records. Though these days my favorite aquatic things seem to be tadpoles. Sure, they are only temporarily aquatic, but nonetheless that seems to be the direction I am headed at the moment.

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