Newbie wonder


Fish Fanatic
Mar 14, 2003
Reaction score
Orlando, Florida
First post, virgin fish man

Well i have just recently been looking around for a good fishy forum. I like the set up of this one..

Now on to my tank.

I want to have a successful tank because I have a permanent set up. I am in the process of building a new room for myself and I always wanted a tank flush with my wall.. so I did it, it leaves room on the outside of my room to do all the dirty work.

what I have.

55 gallon tank
a whisper power filter (dont laugh)
heater, with stick on thermometer
and two hoods with lights.

I have two main questions.
1. I have very soft water, is this going to be a problem
2. Im thinking I will want a.. Penn-Plax Undertow Undergravel Filter

Im looking to do fish only and just have fake plants. (not sure what fish yet, I want a Male Beta and definitly an algea eater, the rest I really go on looks and tempermant, I would like to have at least one type of community fish.

lmk what you think... :thumbs:

any other suggestions to having a successful tank will be very appreciated
Doohic, welcome.

First, I am not a big fan of bettas in any kind "community" situation. You are just limiting your options on other fish when you do this. This can be an accepable answer for a 10 or 20 gallon aquarium, but is a heck of a thing to saddle yourself with in a 55 gallon.

Secondly, search through some member tank pics to see if anything catches your eye. There are many great ways to aquascape a tank this size.
And speaking of size, if you have not got your tank yet, I would go with a 75 or 90 gallon. You won't regret it. If you are building it into the wall, the cost difference would be negligible.

Lastly, for now, the two best hardware recommendations I can give you are a good canister filter for filtration, and get yourself one of those inexpensive four foot shop lights from any local department store to hang over your tank instead of the marginal lighting that comes in the hoods.

Good luck... :)

Almost forgot......If your water is is real soft, your ph will fluctuate easily. This is something we can address when you get up and running and we know what your tank and water parameters are... :thumbs:
Thanks GL, unfortunatly the tank has already been purchased and the custom support and exact whole has been created in the wall. I had to make the decision fast before my Father finished up the wall. :/

I'll look into the canister filter systems, I dont know much about those yet.

What are your thoughts on the undergravel filters? Do they last a long time? are they a necessity?

any other beginer tricks ltmk or point me to another thread

thanks again GL
Doohicky, her is the canister filter I use for my 90 gallon. It alone keeps the water crystal clear. Magnum 350

I also have the biowheel attachment.

I don't like undergravel filters myself, but I am also a live plant fan. And if you do go with a canister filter,(recommended), place it on a shelf next to the tank if you have the room. It will be easier to service, and you will experience a greater return flow by thus reducing the height the pump has to push water.
Ok, GL I'm gonna pick your brain a little furthor on this one. :shifty:

This canister filter, it will be the only filtration system that I need?
Meaning I can get rid of the Whisper Power Filter that I have and also not have to worry about the undergravel system?

What else would I need to buy with it and what kind of prices for those items are we talking about (and also if I was to add the biowheel attachment how much is that)?

Ive heard the canister systems are pretty quiet. Is that true?

How much maintenance do the systems require?

I am also down 35gallons from you so would that canister system be overkill? The one thing I was reading on the undergravel systems was that they said you didnt have to change as much water and you cleaned the gravel bed alot less.

thanks again GL

oops one more thing.... is that a good price for that filter?
Another question.... i was reading the bio wheel page and would I be better off by getting an emporer that comes with the filter system?

It really depends on the type of fish you plan on keeping!! Larger fish such as S/C American cichlids are messy fish therefore needing much more filtration than say neons, platies ect.!!

Let us know what type of fish you plan on keeping and we can go from there.

I always recommend a filter/s that will turn the total tank volume over at least 6 times per hour....8-10 for large cichlids!!

The filter GL recommends is a very good one!! I have personally used these in the past and they never failed me!!

The great thing about the canister is you can put a lot more filter media in it than say the emperor!!

Doohick, Here is the complete setup with biowheels. Magnum This is a good price, I paid almost 300 bucks for it three years ago!

All I will say on UGFs is this. If you had to drink water out of the tank, would you rather have it filtered through some gravel on the bottom that is packed with detritus, or filtered through a floss sleeve and carbon?

IMO no filter system would give you an edge on water changes and good husbandry. But if one did, it would be a good canister filter.

A final word on UGFs. I have gone into many lfs and seen ugfs. This may be the reason many people think they are still a good way to go. What many people don't see is the lfs putting a Magnum Hang on the tank canister filter on the tank a coupple of times a week to polish the water.

For the rest of your Qs, The link I just provuded is for the complete system. Biowheels and all. It also comes with the vacuum attachment that you just plug in to your intake for easy gravel cleaning. It is all you need. I have done nothing but clean mine in three years.

This should turn your tank over 6 to 7 times an hour. Perfect.
awsome, GL Im almost 100% that im gonna order that Magnum, at first I just thought it would be overkill for my 55gallon tank but with the reviews you have give'n me and a few others I have heard it doesnt sound like I will be dissapointed.

thanks again. :p
One more question about the Magnum, I was reading the maintenance chart that was on the website GL last gave me.

this is a piece of what I read

Change Media:
CARBON/MEDIA CONTAINER Remove media and rinse container thoroughly. Refill container with Magnum Activated Carbon and rinse carbon thoroughly. Rinse or replace Rite-Size Sleeve.

MICRON CARTRIDGE Remove and clean cartridge – never brush or machine wash. Rinse off all visible dirt. Mix a solution of one part chlorine bleach to three parts water in a separate container. Immerse cartridge completely in solution and soak overnight. Rinse thoroughly until chlorine smell disappears.

GL how often are you replacing ?Sleve's? does the Magnum 350 Pro come with everything that I will need to get it started, ie.. the sleve ?Magnum Activated Carbon? Also could you posibly give me a projected price per month I will need to spend keeping the Magnum running smoothly on my 55 gallon tank?

Im prolly being over percauciouse(sp) but I just like to know what im getting into.

thanks again, if I hear good things after this post I will be ordering me a Magnum..

I hope to hear from you soon :D
I have had good luck in cleaning the foam sleeves that do come with it. I would say I have spent ten dollars on sleeves in two years. The most expense will come from the carbon. You can pack a lot of carbon into the canister. I started replacing just half the carbon at a time if my water conditions are good. And in the long run, filter cartridges for other types are pricey also, and don't afford you the options like the micron cartridge. This cartridge does an impressive job of clearing you water when used periodically.
Ok, I have decided to go ahead and order the Magnum 350 pro. (going to do it tonight :D )

Could you let me in on any tricks for cleaning the foam sleeves if you have any?

Im assuming I can pick up the carbon at my lfs? And as far as changing/cleaning the carbon, would I just watch tank levels and change/clean the carbon according? The article mentions rinsing the carbon just like you would the sleeve.

You have sparked a question regarding the micron cartridge. You said
This cartridge does an impressive job of clearing your water when used periodically.

So the filter isnt being used all the time? is that whats used when you "polish" the water?

ok Im off to make an order...

I really appreciate your help GL, I know I could read up on these things but I value an experienced users opinions and observations much more than propaganda from the manufacturer.

your my newest and best fish buddy :p

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