Hi all,
My first post! I have been browsing for a bit and have to say there are some fantastic posters on this site with lots of great info.
Anyway, I recently acquired a Fluval Edge 46L aquarium (in white) and I am keen to set up a planted tropical aquarium. I'm at the very early stages of planning things out re stocking etc but first things first, I need to get a stand for this oddly shaped tank.
Does anybody have any suggestions they could link me to?
I figure I need something that is about 50cm squared to avoid the tank overhanging. I have been looking on IKEA but I am terrified the tank will be too heavy for their regular furniture. The tank will be in the corner of the room but likely not against the wall due to other electrical gubbins in the vicinity.
Would appreciate some advice from folks who have this tank. Ideally I'd like a white stand.
My first post! I have been browsing for a bit and have to say there are some fantastic posters on this site with lots of great info.
Anyway, I recently acquired a Fluval Edge 46L aquarium (in white) and I am keen to set up a planted tropical aquarium. I'm at the very early stages of planning things out re stocking etc but first things first, I need to get a stand for this oddly shaped tank.
Does anybody have any suggestions they could link me to?
I figure I need something that is about 50cm squared to avoid the tank overhanging. I have been looking on IKEA but I am terrified the tank will be too heavy for their regular furniture. The tank will be in the corner of the room but likely not against the wall due to other electrical gubbins in the vicinity.
Would appreciate some advice from folks who have this tank. Ideally I'd like a white stand.