New To Killifish


New Member
Feb 1, 2012
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Hi , new to the forum and posted in the welcome section. I did add what i posted on this thread in my 1st post , but as im new to killifish was informed it might be better posting in the actual killifish forum for some expert advise.

Only bought our first killies a few weeks back and must say im fascianated by them , So we bought some eggs and tried the whole peat and water , and as it stands at the moment have 12 N. Guentheri fry at 2 weeks old . It has been brilliant watching them grow. Will add the fry are not in a tank at the moment just a raising tray.

This tuesday we have another 20 eggs to hatch from the nigerianus Misajé gold killifish.

Obviously with the killis the males can get territorial , but would they still do so with the own sibblings that they have been raised with ? If so i fear it may be a case of starting a few more new smaller tanks or selling some males.

Any information regarding killifish would be greatly recieved as we have only just started learning about them.

Thanks Leon
Hi Leon...welcome to the forum and the wonderful world of killifish.
Quite good species you have chosen as a novice to this niche side of the hobby,
Males will squabble with other males, but in general if there is enough of them around then this semi aggression is kept to a minimum (in certain species)
The presence of females will also heighten this trend.
Key word is your fish and make decisions accordingly.
Obviously at some point in time you will have to thin out, cull or sell your surplus.
Tight fitting lid for the misaje especially (not so much for Nothos) as they will jump to escape bullying etc.
Misaje alongside Murkudi are my favourites amongst this vast Nigerianum group.
BigC covered about everything not much to add to it. Congrats on discovering a wonderful little fish that gets over looked so many times!!!

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