New Scape =)

Noahs ark6

Fish Herder
Sep 2, 2010
Reaction score
Sheffield, Yorkshire, England

Some of you may have noticed a few topics about new wood and new rocks. Well i finally decided (with the much appreciated help of other members) on a new scape
Before :no:

After :nod:

I'm quite happy with the results. All i'm waiting for now is my dwarf hairgrass to thicken up, the tannin from the old wood to go and the amazon sword on the far right to grow.
Any thoughts and suggestions will be very appreciated, thanks :good:

(mini landscaping rock, sumatra driftwood, amazon sword x 4 java fern x 3, dwarf hairgrass x 1 pot)

Edit----- sorry one more Q. It's about time to change the bulbs. They are 2x 20w fluval glo light. There are two types suitable for my tank, fluorescent, or sun glo (Here). I dont like the yellow look that one of the bulbs is giving off, but i dont know which one. (I currently have one of each). Would two fluorescent or two sun glo, or one of each be best for plant growth?
Thanks again))))
Oh I really like it. I like the open space. I had some terrible looking java fern, and decided I didn't like it, but after seeing yours I might give it another go. :good:
MUCH better! I really like the new look.

Sorry I can't help with lighting. I'm a novice myself with that.
Tank looks much better with plenty of room in it. Makes me think its about time I should be doing the same in my tank.

Your sun glow bulb is the yellow light you say you dont like, Iv had the same bulb and cant stand it. Just makes the water look dirty I think. Id replace the Sun glow and just get an other flourscent tube, your plants will be fine.

But great re-scape :good: Im now going to go and have a think about how to make my tank look a bit less busy now :hyper:

Nice one Noah! Both scapes look brilliant tbh, the first one looked very mature indeed.

I am a massive fan of tanks that evolve around Java Fern, i have one myself.

As with the lights, yeah, Gary is correct, replace the Sun-Glo bulb for another Flourescent one. The higher the number of kelvin the less yellow the tube will be. I have a 3000k T5 and it's like having a street light over the tank it is that yellow. 6-8k would be ideal. :D The plants will grow just fine as they will adapt to whatever you give them. :good:

Keep up the good work matey. Brilliant so far!

EDIT: I would be tempted to add a massive group of Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green in the bottom left hand corner under the branch. IMO that would finish it off perfectly, especially once the Hair Grass gets going.
Thanks alot to everyone for the possitive feedback, it's much appreciated. I'll order another fluorescent tube :good:
The Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green looks really nice, i'll get a nice bunch and put it where you suggested, thankyou :good:

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