New Puppy


Oct 25, 2007
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Hi peeps

So after moving out and feeling lonely without parents dogs lol me and the girlfriend decided to get a dog.
After searching through breeds and whether to get a boy or girl we decided on a staffodshire bull terrier she is 10 weeks old and mental lol.
So here she is meet Lola


That's a cracking little dog but I don't ex[ect that ball to last long :lol: :lol:

Awww, she's lovely. Staffies are one of my favourite breeds. Currently trying to twist my partner's arm into getting one myself ;)

Edit: Just looked back over the pictures and her tummy seems a little bloated. Do you know if the breeders wormed her before they gave her to you?
What a cute little girl!

Just a word of warning, but on really hot sunny days in summer whack some sunscreen around her nose. Unfortunately I know a lot of people with white staffies who have unfortunately lost them due to skin cancer. I see you are in the UK and obviously sun is a lot worse here in Australia, but its something to keep in mind when owning a white dog with very short hair like a staffy.

My aunt had one and she used to even have to sunscreen the fleshy part of her dog's tummy, as she liked lying on her back 'sunbaking'. Ultimately that dog still died of skin cancer. :(

What a cutie!

Just don't forget to put some sunscreen around that little white nose in summer...
thank you for all the nice replies lol
Blinky000 thanks yes she has been wormed think she looked bloated cause she munched her dinner down quick again lol.
southerncross thanks for the advise it is something we will be doing in the future if and when the sunshine decides to pop out lol.

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