i just upgraded my planted 10 gallon to a 16 gallon bow front. there are 2 ottos, 2 pepperd corys (moved from the cube) and 2 dwarf frogs in it at the moment. the female betta is in her own 5 gallon now.
i want some red fish for this tank. i was looking at platys, cherry barbs and swordtails. but the platys are kind of common and boring, the cherry barbs arent really red, and i think the sword tails need more room.
any thoughts?
hopefully i can get some pics of my tanks up.
i want some red fish for this tank. i was looking at platys, cherry barbs and swordtails. but the platys are kind of common and boring, the cherry barbs arent really red, and i think the sword tails need more room.
any thoughts?
hopefully i can get some pics of my tanks up.