New Planted 16 Gallon


Fish Fanatic
Mar 7, 2012
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i just upgraded my planted 10 gallon to a 16 gallon bow front. there are 2 ottos, 2 pepperd corys (moved from the cube) and 2 dwarf frogs in it at the moment. the female betta is in her own 5 gallon now.

i want some red fish for this tank. i was looking at platys, cherry barbs and swordtails. but the platys are kind of common and boring, the cherry barbs arent really red, and i think the sword tails need more room.

any thoughts?

hopefully i can get some pics of my tanks up.
I had been researching small schooling fish that are different and came across Coral Red Pencilfish. They are SO cute and very vividly red. Two problems, they are very expensive and very hard to find. :sad:
Sunset platys are nice, I have 3, 6 harlequin rasbora
3 micky mouse platy's
2 Albino Cory catfish
5 Sepae tetra
My tank is 16 g bow front
I don't have personal experience with them--I've never seen them around here, but they are similar to tetras (same family and waters), so I think they would behave in a similar way.

This seems to be the best description I can find:
Yes, they are characoids, just like tetras. They are peaceful and need to be kept in groups. Its sad they are so expensive.
i like the looks of sword tails. but would you say that the tank is too small for them?
Mosquito rasboras?
+1 to the above. Nice small fish so you'd be able to have a good sized shoal in a tank that size :nod:
They look cute, too bad I don't see them in my country. Would have taken a shoal of these if galaxy rasboras aren't enough on sale.
I rarely see them where I am as I don't have a lot of good sized fish shops that would stock them. The only way I'd be able to get them is online and then you have to pay postage which is always expensive :crazy:
I've seen galaxy rasbora once or twice in shops, but both times they were about £8 a fish :blink:
I rarely see them where I am as I don't have a lot of good sized fish shops that would stock them. The only way I'd be able to get them is online and then you have to pay postage which is always expensive :crazy:
I've seen galaxy rasbora once or twice in shops, but both times they were about £8 a fish :blink:
They keep them separate in the shop, even though they are shoalers... Saw a few with 1 moss ball in tiny tanks... Need to ask them next time i go there, probably next month.

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