New juvenile pearl gouramis very shy, one looks very thin and maybe has a small spot of fungus?


New Member
Mar 30, 2023
Reaction score
New York, USA
Hello! I am new to the forum. I am not new to the hobby but after a few years hiatus, we got our new tank. We just added new inhabitants a day ago, 9 julii Cory's and 2 pearl gourami juveniles.

The gouramis are very shy, hiding in the bottom behind the wood. One looks particularly thin but they are still so nervous i don't know how much they are eating if anything at all. I've started turning off filters to feed and walking away to give them a chance to not feel nervous and eat something.

When i first got all the fish, i did a 3 minute potassium permanganate dip and thew them all in the tank since they were in the same store.

And after they've all been together a while, i noticed the skinny one also has a small white spot on its head and maybe a front fin as well. Not ick like, i tried to capture in photos but it's quite hard. Maybe a fungus?

I decided to start dosing API fin and body cure to the tank just in case. Any advice regarding the condition of the fishy i have called Cordy (short for cordyceps), as well as how to maybe help it eat?

Further tank deets: ammonia is 0 nitrite 0, nitrate 5, pH continues to hover around 7.4 despite adding lota of tannins. I ordered alder cones.

I am not.sure if the tank details I've entered in my account show up, unsure how the forum works exactly. We have a 50g corner bowfront. I have a HOB sponge and box filter as well, heater with regulator set to 80°F.


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Hello! I am new to the forum. I am not new to the hobby but after a few years hiatus, we got our new tank. We just added new inhabitants a day ago, 9 julii Cory's and 2 pearl gourami juveniles.

The gouramis are very shy, hiding in the bottom behind the wood. One looks particularly thin but they are still so nervous i don't know how much they are eating if anything at all. I've started turning off filters to feed and walking away to give them a chance to not feel nervous and eat something.

When i first got all the fish, i did a 3 minute potassium permanganate dip and thew them all in the tank since they were in the same store.

And after they've all been together a while, i noticed the skinny one also has a small white spot on its head and maybe a front fin as well. Not ick like, i tried to capture in photos but it's quite hard. Maybe a fungus?

I decided to start dosing API fin and body cure to the tank just in case. Any advice regarding the condition of the fishy i have called Cordy (short for cordyceps), as well as how to maybe help it eat?

Further tank deets: ammonia is 0 nitrite 0, nitrate 5, pH continues to hover around 7.4 despite adding lota of tannins. I ordered alder cones.

I am not.sure if the tank details I've entered in my account show up, unsure how the forum works exactly. We have a 50g corner bowfront. I have a HOB sponge and box filter as well, heater with regulator set to 80°F.
hi! I have currently 7 pearl gouramis in a tank,
similar to cories, they feel secure if there are more of them around. I'd get at least 2 more if your tank allows for more.
i had 3 for a while since one passed away and they were shy at that point, and when i got 4 more of them, they got way more colorful and active
The fish is skinny and covered in excess mucous. The white stuff on the head is probably excess mucous too. Excess mucous is caused by something in the water irritating the fish.
Check the water quality for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH.

Do a big water change and gravel clean the substrate. Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

Don't add medications unless you know what the problem is.


The fish being skinny is probably intestinal worms and maybe gill flukes. See section 3 of the following link for treating worms in fish. The deworming medication also treats gill flukes.

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