New Here.....


New Member
Mar 2, 2014
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Hello all,
My name is Vinny, from Brooklyn New York, USA.
Just signing in to the forum.
I just bought a 20 gallon aquarium for my kids. This is their first pet experience.
We have 3 fish to start off. A Mickey Mouse Platty, a Dalmatian Molly, and a Skirt Tetra.
We've had the fish for 2 days so far and all seems to be well, except the Molly seems shy?
It hangs out in the corners of the tank but doesn't seem to be in any distress.....any thoughts?
Good job coming here! We're all pretty helpful and happy to talk about our favorite hobby.
First issue I see is that you did not cycle the aquarium. If you can return your fish, please do so and begin a fishless cycle. You can read about that in either of the last two links in my signature. If it is impossible for you to return the fish, you'll you need to do a fish-in cycle to prevent ammonia and nitrite build up. You'll need to purchase an API freshwater master test kit or similar (liquid drops are more accurate than the drip stick option). You'll also need a great deal of patience. Without fish, the cycle takes about four to six weeks. With fish, the process is much longer and far more tiresome. 
What filter do you have in your tank? What heater do you have? It is also worth mentioning that the tetra is a schooling fish and would ideally need six or more of its species. These are also very nippy fish, so it could be bothering the molly. Do you have any plants (fake or otherwise) in the tank? Any caves? Fish often feel most secure if they have hiding places, they usually will hang out in the open more frequently just because the hiding places are available. Is the fish gasping at the surface? Are its gills red?

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