Mostly New Member
I'm new here and I'm having a lot of problems setting up my tank. I have a lot of questions. LOL
I was given a 5 gallon GLOFISH aquarium for Christmas.
I set it up according to the instructions that came with the tank.
I have a whisper bio filter, small heater and air stone. I'm using gravel and fake plants.
I know it's a small aquarium, but I wanted a small one for my desk.
Well, I set everything up....put all of the chemicals in the water, etc.
I let the aquarium sit for about 2 days. I know now I should have let the tank cycle.
I bought 5 Tetra Glofish...I know that's way too many fish for a small tank like mine. How many fish is okay for a 5 gallon tank?
After about 4 days all of the fish got ICK and all of them ended up dying
I bought my fish at PetSmart. I will NOT do that again. I'm going to go to a fish store to buy my fish.
I did buy test strips and it appeared that the water was okay. Now I know the test strips are NOT accurate.
I plan on investing in a good test kit!
I spent a small fortune on everything needed and I don't want to give up.
I've read it takes about a month for the tank to cycle. There's already bacteria in the tank left from the fish that were in there. Will this help cycle the tank??
I've also read that the ICK will die on it's own over a few weeks....if it doesn't have a host to grow on. Is this true?
Right now the tank is running...filter, heater and airstone. How long before I can add fish again?
Should I be testing the water during the cycling time? Do I need to do any water changes? How will I know when the tank has cycled?
What's the best stuff to add to the tank for getting rid of the chlorine,etc? Our house has a water filtration system.
I know I will have to do water changes more often because my tank is so small. That's okay.
What about adding aquarium salt to the tank? Is this a good idea?
Any other ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I was given a 5 gallon GLOFISH aquarium for Christmas.
I set it up according to the instructions that came with the tank.
I have a whisper bio filter, small heater and air stone. I'm using gravel and fake plants.
I know it's a small aquarium, but I wanted a small one for my desk.
Well, I set everything up....put all of the chemicals in the water, etc.
I let the aquarium sit for about 2 days. I know now I should have let the tank cycle.
I bought 5 Tetra Glofish...I know that's way too many fish for a small tank like mine. How many fish is okay for a 5 gallon tank?
After about 4 days all of the fish got ICK and all of them ended up dying

I did buy test strips and it appeared that the water was okay. Now I know the test strips are NOT accurate.
I plan on investing in a good test kit!
I spent a small fortune on everything needed and I don't want to give up.
I've read it takes about a month for the tank to cycle. There's already bacteria in the tank left from the fish that were in there. Will this help cycle the tank??
I've also read that the ICK will die on it's own over a few weeks....if it doesn't have a host to grow on. Is this true?
Right now the tank is running...filter, heater and airstone. How long before I can add fish again?
Should I be testing the water during the cycling time? Do I need to do any water changes? How will I know when the tank has cycled?
What's the best stuff to add to the tank for getting rid of the chlorine,etc? Our house has a water filtration system.
I know I will have to do water changes more often because my tank is so small. That's okay.
What about adding aquarium salt to the tank? Is this a good idea?
Any other ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.