New Bolivian Ram (Help Sex? / Check It Out)


Fish Crazy
Apr 25, 2011
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i was at petco today the other day and i found a bolivian ram and picked him up for about 6 months.

not sure if he/she is young or a small female? any idea how to sex?

anwyays was curious about the gender and just wanted to show you a pic (its coloring is pretty awesome)



anyways this guys pretty small, simular to the size of a guppy currently
the current dark colouring means he/she is quite stressed......wait until it settles in and the colours can become incredible.

As for sexing, here's something a member gave me a few years ago....might be some help

Probable male

Probable female
Beautiful Ram there

thanks, yeah as soon as i saw its coloring i knew i couldnt leave without buying

the current dark colouring means he/she is quite stressed......wait until it settles in and the colours can become incredible.

As for sexing, here's something a member gave me a few years ago....might be some help

yeah its only been a day so itll take some time to settle in ( wont start eating yet either)

great pics, this should be stickied on here somewhere.
I'd guess male, but give it a few days and it should be a bit easier to tell. Especially if you can get some sharp side on pictures.
Speaking of the member that made those notes for me.....she appears! :)

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