I'm a breeder but have only sold stock within my own country, I know for shipping sellers require transhiper from their country to send to another transhipper at the destined country but what are the steps that is needed? Before a buyer pays do they themselves need to speak to their transhipper first and at which point of the process am I hands off and free to feel relive about transporting? Or do I still have to contact the transhipper of the destined country to let them know that one of the parcel is from me and to a customer? I obviously know there has to be all the details for delivery but just a little clueless on the matter.
I Mainly want to start shipping betta's wild types and Fancy but wanted to know more so if you have ever experienced buying fish from offshore or on aquabid please give me some info
I Mainly want to start shipping betta's wild types and Fancy but wanted to know more so if you have ever experienced buying fish from offshore or on aquabid please give me some info