well I moved last week and the biggest pain was moving all the tanks of which I now have 7 plus instead of moving my little marine river reef 94 litre I swapped it for a Jewel Vision 180
Anyways none of them are really showy tanks although the marine will be once its sorted
My living room tanks
From my settee I can lie down and see my tele and the 150g tank which at the moment has the fire eel, giraffe cat, Poly Ornatapinnis and Delhezi and Panaque
I also have a 4ft tank with boesmanis and Geo Juruparis that Im growing on along with a few small plecs
In my daughters bedroom is her little 2ft with cherry barbs otos and a pair of kribs
The back room has 4 tanks in , my new marine 180l in this photo not yet scaped
a 2ft tank with an abei puffer in that I havent took a pic of
and a double stand 3ft tanks which hold temporary stocking before I buy bigger tanks for them
there are firemouths a clown knife Ive been growing on and 6 channa pulchra
some pics of the fish in the tanks
Anyways none of them are really showy tanks although the marine will be once its sorted
My living room tanks
From my settee I can lie down and see my tele and the 150g tank which at the moment has the fire eel, giraffe cat, Poly Ornatapinnis and Delhezi and Panaque
I also have a 4ft tank with boesmanis and Geo Juruparis that Im growing on along with a few small plecs
In my daughters bedroom is her little 2ft with cherry barbs otos and a pair of kribs
The back room has 4 tanks in , my new marine 180l in this photo not yet scaped
a 2ft tank with an abei puffer in that I havent took a pic of
and a double stand 3ft tanks which hold temporary stocking before I buy bigger tanks for them
there are firemouths a clown knife Ive been growing on and 6 channa pulchra
some pics of the fish in the tanks