Video My Planted Community Tank That Should Not Work.


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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So I have been keeping fish since 1998. I have had lots of fish over the years. I know the rules but this tank breaks many of the rules. I don't think this tank will work for everyone or everyones fish. 
So here is the thing. I had this as a discus tank for 5 years. I now only have one discus now. The first one I ever got too. So this one is almost 5 years old. He was living in this 80 Gal for a few years with just tetras and cory cats. 
My goldfish were kind of a mistake buy. They were living in a 20 Gal in my daughters room. I had too many tanks and broke it down. No one wanted my goldfish and I did not want to bring them back to the store my Daughter was not having that. So in the 80 Gal they went. 
I started breeding betta fish. So I had a lot of betta fish.  I had this one little male that I really like but no good place to put him. He is a Plakat with the short fins. I had a betta in a community tank before but a long fin. 
SO I put all these fish in my 80 Gal and guess what it works. Temp is 78F the water is the same as in all my tanks. 
So here is the tank that some people will say I am crazy for. Some people would say this never could work. well it is working just fine.
Check out my tank. 
Surviving isn't thriving, I imagine the goldfish will have a shortened lifespan due to the high temperature. Your link doesn't work by the way. - this one works, Ninj
Goldfish can live and thrive in warmer temps. It's simply not true that goldfish need cool water. It's summer time so the tank is 78f in the winter it's a bit cooler 76f. Thriving fish are active ,eatting well , growing, exploring, and showing normal behaviors or even spawning. My tetras have spawned in this tank before. I think water quality is much more important then temp. You can see my goldfish are active and exploring.

I know people will have opinions about this tank. But the fish are active and healthy. Well the discus is old and has been threw a lot over the years. He spawned a few times in this tank when I had other discus.

Thanks for fixing the link for me.
Great tank, I enjoyed the vid (and your daughter's comments, lol) Great stuff!  "shouldn't work but does" good for you!
Well update on this tank. I had a heater go crazy during the hottest days of summer. I lost a lot of fish. my tetras a cory cat all my white cloud minnows. but the goldfish were fine. 
I have removed the goldfish due to them ripping up my Val. Stupid goldfish really ended up doing a number on the plants in the end. Not all the plants just the Val.
So I replaced my goldfish with my baby Severum that is too small to do any harm to the plants he is an inch big and I am growing him out in there. I also bought indian puffer fish they are the tiny dwarf ones. They are so cute and doing really well. These are tough.  

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